a Gamma's Gamma

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Isabella the Frostfang Alpha's daughter her father Elijah is very protective of her as are her brothers Damon and Demitri. Isabelle is very envious of her best friend harper because she has already found her mate. Her brothers refuse to let her travel with them to other packs so she hasn't had a chance to look for her mate. However, this year's gala is coming up and they cannot stop her from attending as their father had said they were all going as her brothers could also find their mates. 

Aubrey has always been an outcast in her own pack where same-sex mates are frowned upon even though same-sex mates have been around longer than time itself. She is set to attend this year's gala at the Frostfang pack in order to represent her pack after they'd refused to be present after the scene they had caused last year. She is hoping this opportunity will help her to push off the prejudice of her pack as she looks for love.

Will they cross paths at the gala, will the stars align for them or will they never meet.

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