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EMMA SAT IN THE CAR SLIGHTLY ANXIOUS at the thought of Malia driving the girls.

"Okay hands on the wheel at ten and two." Kira said breaking the silence between the four after Malia had finished adjusting the rear view mirrors.

"Isn't the recommended position now nine and three?" Emma spoke. "That's right, at ten and two a deployed airbag could break your thumbs." Lydia agreed with the werewolf. "Mine would just heal." Malia countered Lydia's statement. "Just save your energy and try not to destroy your beautiful new car." Lydia told her.

Lydia adjusted Malia's hands on the wheel to a nine and three position. The werecoyote's nervousness was obvious by her ironclad grip on the steering wheel. No doubt nervous due to the memories of her childhood car wreck.

"Lydia, are you sure you don't want me to sit up front?" Emma questioned to the strawberry blonde who only hummed in response. Emma while supportive of Malia learning to drive was scared for Lydia's safety if they were to crash. At least Emma's healing powers worked faster than Lydia's.

Eventually Malia pressed her foot on the gas and the car began to move.

"Alright just ease into it." Kira spoke as she continued to say supportive words to Malia as she began to move down the road.

"Please shut up." Malia cut her off in a low voice.

"No problem, shutting up." Kira replied instantly stopping her comments. Emma gave her a slight smile hoping to ease her obvious nerves.

Within a few seconds the car had drove off the road into the dirt.

"This is not the road, Malia please go the other way." Emma said in a nervous tone as Malia was getting closer and closer to a tree. A rapid beeping was heard from the monitor of Malia's car. Malia, who seemed ignorant to the comments of the three girls, quickly became annoyed at the constant beeping sound.

"What is that, what is that beeping?" She questioned the girl.

"The car is telling you not to run into the tree-please turn the wheel." Lydia answered as she began to fidget in her seat due to the cars close proximity with the tree.

"Malia!" Emma all but screamed as the tree became closer and closer. However, the tree was avoided as Malia turned the wheel seeming unfazed by her almost crash. As Malia drove back onto the road she didn't straighten the wheel causing the car to move in a circle.

"Okay, uh this is called a u-turn." Emma said with a nervous smile on her face. "You said turn the wheel." Malia spoke innocently before straightening the car out.

"Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas." Lydia told the tall brunette. These had obviously been the wrong words to say as Malia practically slammed her foot on the gas pedal causing Kira and Emma to jerk back in their seats. The two turned to look at each other giving each other a nervous smile before clasping their hands together.

The crazy driving proceeded for a few moments before Malia asked the group where they were going. "The school," Lydia replied, "we can practice your parking." she continued.

Emma looked at the bright lampposts that past the car in confusion, "I think we're heading downtown."

"If we're heading to the school, we should make a u-turn shouldn't we?" Kira asked.

"No, keep going." Lydia disagreed in a tone that Emma couldn't help but think sounded ominous.

"You sure?" Malia asked before Lydia spoke. "Yes, we're almost there." Her words confirmed to Emma that this was one of her banshee feelings.

As the car rolled to a stop the four got out of the car to see a Beacon Hills prison transport van. Upon closer inspection, a bloodied hand slightly raised signaling for help.

"Call 911." Emma spoke in a calm voice all too familiar with situations such as the one at hand.

AS THE AMBULANCE AND POLICE showed up, so did Scott and Stiles. However, the four girls were busy speaking with a police officer giving him their statement. However, they did see Scott rush past them. A few minutes later the girls joined Stiles, Mr. Stilinski and Parrish as Scott's voice was heard through the radio slightly staticky. "I found Donovan, he's completely freak out, keeps saying some name."

"What name?" The sheriff questioned.

"Theo." Stiles whispered. Emma who stood next to him gave him a disappointed glare.

"Tracy, he keeps saying Tracy." Scott responded.

The sheriff questioned who Tracy was and all of a sudden Emma realized who Tracy was. "Stewart, Tracy Stewart." She spoke in realization thinking about her wide-eyed friend.

"TRACY WASN'T JUST HAVING TROUBLE SLEEPING-it was a real disorder, it was night terrors." Lydia spoke the next morning. The pack had met up for a meeting at school to discuss the situation.

"Well now she's the night terror, problem is no one can find her." Stiles spoke. Emma lightly hit him on the shoulder and whispered a "Be nice." to which the boy responded by giving her an incredulous look that said I-can-do-no-wrong.

"Okay, I know that we're all tired and miserable," Scott spoke before pausing and turning to look at Mason who was looking around the circle astounded, "except for you."

Liam had called Emma last night telling her that he had told Mason everything, he also mentioned something about a wolf but she hadn't really understood that part. However, she told Liam she was proud of him for overcoming his fear of telling Mason and that she would see him at school the next day. Mason began to ramble slightly before Scott interrupted. "Look guys back to Tracy, she's just one lone wolf. We can find her."

"One lone serial killing wolf." Malia said. "Well she only killed one person, she mauled the other two." Stiles corrected.

"Which means she's not a serial killer." Emma spoke with a bubbly smile on her face, Stiles gave her a small smile in return for her optimism before speaking once more. "What do we do when we catch her?"

"I say we put her down." Malia answered. The pack was silent for a moment, all of them obviously trying to comprehend the severity of the situation. The silence was broken by Mason saying a single word.


word count: 1068

wow it has been literally forever since i updated this book, i kind of lost my love for writing for a while but i've found it again. i also went through a school shooting so it took me a long time to live with that.
i don't really know if anyone actually read this story anymore but if you do i love you and i'm really gonna try my best to update once a week from now on!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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