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innocent sass

EMMA ALMOST GROANED AS ANOTHER question was asked by Liam. The boy was dead set on knowing what the seniors were doing at midnight that night.

"Is it a party?" Liam leant forward from his seat looking back and forth at Scott and Stiles.

"It's not a party." Stiles said, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Then what's at midnight?"

"Your bedtime."

Emma let out a small laugh at Stiles' sarcastic remarks.

"Why aren't the girls going? And why isn't Emma with them?" Liam questioned once more.

"They're meeting us there and I'm here to take care of you." Emma told the beta.

"Stop asking questions, it's a senior thing. You'll know when your a senior." Stiles told him.

Liam groaned in frustration and slumped in his seat, he reminded Emma of a child who didn't get the toy they wanted.

"It's called senior scribe, it's when the seniors sacrifice a sophomore virgin to the school so that they have a good senior year and college career." Emma whispered in Liam's ear.

"Really?" Liam asked, fear flashing on his baby face as his eyes widened

Scott obviously having heard with his werewolf hearing let out a loud laugh and Emma couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles.

"No, I'm just kidding."

"Are you guys having trouble with your phones?" Scott asked.

Emma frowned slipping her phone out from the waistband of her skirt, turning it on to see that she was getting no signal or connection.

A loud noise came from the front of Stiles' jeep causing Emma to jump. The jeeps speed began to decrease until it was completely stopped.

"Did you run out of gas?" Emma asked curious to the sudden stop.

"No it's electrical, probably the alternator again." Stiles mumbled getting out of the car,  followed by Scott.

Emma shrugged and took one of Liam's earbuds and put it in her ear, jumping as the loud music just about burst her eardrums.

She heard a crack.

Looking behind her she saw a pure white zigzag strike the ground just yards from where they sat. Another followed shortly after.

"Guys!" Liam yelled as he had obviously noticed the bolts.

"Yeah, just give us a second." Emma could hear Stiles yell back as she kept her eyes trained on where he two previous lightning strikes stuck.

"Just stay in the car." Scott yelled. Emma let out a small huff,  crossing her arm over her chest. She turned to look at Liam who was staring at her with his eyebrows raised, she let out another huff and glanced out the window.

Another bolt struck the gravel just feet away from Scott and Stiles. The two of them jumped, after managing to start the jeep once more they both jumped back into the car.

STILES HONKED THE HORN AS THEY pulled up to the Tate residence.

"Sorry I'm late." Stiles barely finished before Malia attacked him with her lips. Emma made a noise from the back and covered her eyes.

Liam leaned forward once more, an obnoxious grin covering his face. "Yeah I'm sorry too." he said, flashing Malia a smile.

Emma pulled the hormonal beta back by his hoodie and gave him a look. He smirked and leant forward to kiss her.

Emma let out a small scream and covered her face with a pillow that was lying in the backseat. She couldn't help but laugh as Liam's face met the pillow and a look of confusion flashed it before he opened his eyes.

"You boys do remember I own a gun, right?" Mr. Tate asked as Stiles and Malia pulled away.

"Vividly." Stiles answered. Mr. Tate winked before going back into the house.

Malia opened he door of the jeep and squished in next to Liam.

As soon as she got settled everyone's eyes drifted to her, uncomfortable with the staring she asked "What?"

"Did you find out yet?" Stiles asked.

"Find out what?" Liam interrupted.

"They said they'll email me." Malia told Stiles.

"Is this about summer school?" Liam asked and suddenly the entire car was quiet.

"You told him?" Malia asked Stiles angered.

Stiles eyes widened and he tried to come up with an excuse.

"Oh no, all they said was you had to go to summer school because the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year." Liam said, unintentionally making the situation much worse.

Malia slumped back in her seat, irritation covering her face.

"Look it's a butterfly" Emma giggled looking at the multicolored creature on the window of Stiles' jeep.

word count : 769

I am hooked to this story, 3 chapters within a couple of hours! My Isaac Lahey story only has two chapters and I started it like 2 weeks ago!
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