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Marshall POV

"Seriously?" Jay said, his hands on his hips as he stared down Na and me.

Apparently, the fire alarm in this place was hooked up to the company security. When it went off, the team manager, a guy sitting in a cushy office back in Michigan, got the alert. Because the cell service out here was shit, he couldn't get a hold of Jay. Lacking information on whether there was a real threat or not, he'd gone with caution and sent out the cavalry. Jay had spent the last three hours getting his ass chewed first by the county sheriff's department and then by his superiors.

I shrugged and drank my Diet Coke. I could understand his frustration, but I wasn't sorry. Na had agreed to move in with me. I'd used sex to get my way, but I could live with that. What I couldn't live with was going back to Michigan and not having her around.

The fascination that had started when I'd seen her running every day for months hadn't come even close to dissipating. Although you'd think that living in the same house so early on would get me over it, the fact was, I'd become attached. I loved waking up with her, I craved her touch, and, I lived for her laugh.

Na was special and I was too damn old to wait around for any bullshit time to make sure I was right. I knew it in my damn guts, so I'd pulled the trigger on asking her to move in. As far as I was concerned, Jay could go fuck himself. Everything was right in my world, now that I knew I wasn't going to have to go back to a life without her dark eyes shining at me every night.

"I'm sorry, Jay," Na said, though she was smiling. I bit my lip, holding in my laugh. I knew what was going through her mind right now. She was thinking that it was worth it and I totally agreed.

"You two are impossible!" Jay shouted, throwing his hands in the air. "You run around like teenagers. Act your damn age, for fuck's sake!"

"Nope," I said, bringing my can back down to my knee. "I grew taller, but I never grew up," I continued.

"I can't believe this," he muttered, rubbing his eyes. "What kind of shit did I do to deserve this karma?" he asked rhetorically. I shrugged and slipped my arm around Na's waist, pulling her closer. She chuckled lowly and leaned over, kissing my jaw.

"Probably best tell you, then," I said as I looked at her and winked.

"Oh, fuck," Jay muttered. "Now what?"

"Na's moving in," I replied, grinning at him. He looked at me and then at Na and then shook his head.

"Whatever," he finally said. "With all the fucking you two have been doing, you'd have ended up there anyway when you knocked her up," he groused before he walked out.

On his words, Na tensed. I flipped off his back before turning to her, finding her biting her lip and looking at her lap. My stomach dropped; I'd assumed she was protected.

"Do we need to talk?" I asked quietly, looking at her. She looked up, her eyes holding sorrow. She tried to smile, but it wasn't her normal one. I pulled her over, cupping her face.

"Talk to me," I demanded.

"What Jay said," she started. "It, um, can't happen," she continued, looking at my chin. I cocked my head and raised a hand to lift her face.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I had a really bad infection as a child," she responded. "I can't get pregnant," she answered, her eyes holding apology. I shook my head.

"Not a problem for me," I replied.

"Really? You're sure?" she asked, doubt in her eyes.

"I've got all the kids I need, Na," I answered. "And, frankly, I was kind of hoping to be done with that part of my life," I admitted.

You'd have thought that I gave Na diamonds, her smile was so wide. She leaned forward and hugged me around the neck, kissing me repeatedly. I laughed, holding her close.

"You were really worried about that?" I asked, surprised. She didn't speak, but just nodded against me. I felt a tear, then, and I frowned and pulled back. "Na?"

She wiped her cheeks and then shrugged. I didn't let it go, though. In the almost three weeks since we'd been here, Na's walls had seemed to fall. I didn't like the idea of them going back up. So, I just looked at her until she spoke.

"My ex cheated," she said. "After he found out about everything, he got a hold of me, trying to apologize again and rekindle things." She paused for a deep breath and then spoke lowly.

"When I told him no, he told me that it was for the best anyway. Money was the only thing a man would want from me, since I couldn't even do the one thing that made me a woman," she explained. A hot rage traveled through me as I shook my head.

"That's fucking bullshit, Na," I said through gritted teeth. She nodded.

"I know," she said softly. "But, the ones who get close are the ones who know how to hurt you the most," she continued. If that wasn't the truth, nothing was.

"I don't want what you have," I said, staring into her eyes. "I just want you."

She smiled then, and it was the one that had brightened my heart the first time I saw it. It shone from her eyes and I swear, I could see her heart in them. She bent her head then and kissed me softly, nibbling at my lip.

For more than an hour, we stayed like that, kissing and holding each other on the couch of the safe house. When Tony came walking in at the hour mark, he had his hand over his eyes and one arm outstretched. I sighed as he spoke.

"You two decent?" he asked. "'Cause, I'd rather not see a multimillionaire's wang. The last thing I need is to find out it's not just his wallet that's bigger than mine," he groused.

Na started laughing so hard she cried at that and I just shook my head. I kissed her forehead and then let her stand. As I joined her, I responded to the moron.

"It's bigger," I said flatly. "But don't worry. It's spoken for, so you won't have any competition, little buddy." Tony's hand flew away as his jaw dropped and he pointed at me. After a second, he grinned and shook his head.

"You're the coolest asshole I know," he stated and I smirked. That sounded about right.

"Anyway," he said. "I came to tell you two that Greg finally fucked up and the police have him in custody. With his theft from the blood bank and all threats and the underwear of Morena's he stole-"

"The fucking what?!" I yelled, looking at Na, who had her lips twisted as she looked away. "He took your goddamn underwear?" I demanded, losing my temper. Na gave Tony a look, who just raised his shoulders.

"I thought he knew," he said.

"No," she replied. "I let that detail slip past him," she explained.

"Right," Tony said. "Well, get your shit so we can leave for civilization." He walked out the door then while I looked at Na, who was avoiding my eyes.

"Na?" I asked, my hands on my hips. I didn't fucking like her keeping that shit from me. She breathed through her nose and then looked up through her lashes. Aw, fuck.

"No!" I said, pointing at her. She gave me a small smile and stepped closer, running her hands up my chest as she continued to give me the fucking boo-boo eyes.

"Damn it, Na," I said, trying to maintain my anger. She just leaned up and kissed the corner of my mouth, tracing her tongue over my lip slightly. Of their own volition, my hands slid around her waist.

"Aw, fuck it," I muttered and kissed her.

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