The Conversation

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(Ezra POV)

While we were in hyperspace.
I looked over Sabine, she was sitting on the passenger seat looking down at the floor.

I turned away and looked at the window of the cockpit, I was sitting on the co-pilot seat and I was watching the trail of hyperspace.

Then we arrived back at Atallon, we attached the Phantom II back on the Ghost. We got off the Phantom II and exit the Ghost as we opened ramp Hera, Kanan, and Zeb were waiting for us " Rau what happened to you? " Hera asked when she noticed his injuries.

" We'll explained it later, but now someone bring Fenn to the medic center " I said as Hera turned to the two rebel soldiers " Bring Rau to the medic center " she ordered " Yes, Captain Syndulla " the rebel soldier said as they escort Rau to the medic center.

(Sabine POV)

As the rebel soldiers escort Fenn to the medic center as Ezra, the crew and I went to the command center were Commander Sato was.

Ezra and I explained everything what happened on our mission " This whole message of Saxon was just a ruse just to lure you and your friends into a trap. " Sato replied after we explained.

" Yes " I said " It was planned by a sith" I replied " Was it the sith lord we encountered on Lothal? " Kanan asked " No, it's not the sith lord. " Ezra replied " It was Maul. He was the one who planned it not Vader " Ezra explained.

Kanan, Hera, and Zeb became concerned " What did this time? " Kanan asked " I'm afraid we have to explain it alone " Ezra said and I nodded at him.

We looked at Sato " you can explained to young crew, Lieutenant Commander Bridger, you're dismissed" he said " Yes Commander Sato " Ezra replied as we left the command center.

(Ezra POV)

As we were back at the Ghost, we explained more about our third mission on Concord Dawn " Maul took Sabine hostage to make you his apprentice? " Zeb asked angrily "Yes" I answered " Gar Saxon tried to take you to the Empire? " Hera asked " Yes" I answered.

" Maul told me, he was a member of Death Watch and he knew my mother" Sabine explained " It's true " Rex said as we looked at him " I know this because I was there at the siege of Mandalor.

He was a follower of Darth Maul and he was the leader of the Shadow Collective commandos.

Before Order 66 was ordered, the last time I saw that he and his followers were retreating, he said to Bo-Katan that he'll be back. That's all I know" he said as we looked back at each other.

I looked at Kanan " can I to you alone?" I asked " of course " he said. When Hera stand up and looked at the rest of the crew " Come on let's give them some alone to talk " Hera said as they stand up and left cockpit.

Then Hera looked at Chopper " You too, Chopper " she said *Why?* he warply asked " Come on, they only want talk alone " she said as Chopper obeyed, left the cockpit and Hera closed the door behind her.

It was just me and Kanan " When Maul had Sabine hostage. He knew I care about Sabine. I know that the jedi are not suppose to form attachments but the jedi are supposed to be compassionate " I explained to Kanan about the jedi code.

" It's okay Ezra, its all in the past. When I was a youngling I was confused about that code and I asked Master Yoda about that, he told me that we're compassionate to others but we cannot let our emotions get in the way.

It would distract us from our duties in the order or make us vulnerable to the dark side." Kanan explained.

" like you said "it's all in the past" " I said to him then I hugged him, he was surprised. Then he hugged back " I'm glad to have you " I said with a tear coming at my cheek.

Then we let go and exit the cockpit.

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