The Confrontation

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(Ezra POV)

I was staring at Maul, he was walking around me slowly " Why are you here? " I asked sternly.

Then he chuckled darkly " Why should I? Since you help me combine the holocrons, Apprentice " he said.

" It was my decision when you held my crew of the Ghost hostage, I am not your apprentice and I'll ask you again. Why are you here? " I asked.

" I'll give you some hints.
You and friends arrived at Concord Dawn until electric energy called ion blast hit your shuttle.

An ambush of Saxon and the imperial super commandos. Then Sabine disappeared and trail that leads to this cave " he explained.

I was stunned for what he said then I changed it to anger " You were behind this? " I exclaimed furiously.

" Yes " he replied softly then I had my lightsaber pointing his face " Where is she?! " I demanded.

He gestured his hand to the right, I turned and saw Sabine.

She was bound and gagged, two of Saxon's soldiers were holding her, she was struggling from their grips.

Until one of them pulled out his blaster and pointing it at Sabine's head, which caused her to stop. I heard her muffling, I sense her fear that they are threatening her to shoot.

"One more move and you'll die" the imperial mandalorian said threatly.

" We know your weakness Ezra. We know how you care about her and when there's one thing of a jedi and a rebel's weakness is: kidnapped the ones they care about and held them hostage, to do something horrible until they have no choice but to cooperate." Maul explained.

I realize what this meant " You planned this to lure us here, then ambushed us and helding Sabine hostage to make me, your apprentice" I explained.

" Clever boy " he said then I had an idea " How about this, a challenge just you and me with our skills of a lightsaber. If you win I'll be a captive of you, but if I win Sabine goes free, we leave and so do you and Saxon " I explained.

Then a few moments of silence " I accept your challenge " Maul agreed as he grabbed his lightsaber out and activated it. I watched the red double-blades coming out each side.

We did a pose and being ready to fight.

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