Chapter 9

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"You really like staring at those stars, huh?" a light girlish voice broke through the night. A small trace of a smile grew on Declan Marcs face as he turned to the source of the voice. There, behind him stood a girl with fiery red hair, with eyes to match and flawless white skin.

"It's relaxing, you should try it sometime." Was Declan's quick remark before he turned back to staring up at the night sky. The girl rolled her eyes, the movement followed by a light scoff.

"It sounds like a waste of time." The redhead spoke in an irritated voice although, her movements contradicted her statement as she sat down next to Declan and began to gaze up at the stars above.

"You know, this is meant to be relaxing and you have a permanent scowl on your face that kind of ruins that. It's also not very attractive." Declan spoke up after a few minutes of silence, a goofy grin growing on his face. The fiery redhead let out a loud huff before turning to glare in his direction. Declan just laughed lightly in response to her glare before continuing to stare up at the sky.

"It's not just the stars you know," Declan spoke softly "it's the moon." The girl just lifted an eyebrow up in response, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"It reminds me of him, the boy I love." Declan whispered out quietly. The girl next to him stiffened for a second before relaxing again, although it wasn't quick enough for Declan's new keen senses not to pick up on.

"You don't have to feel guilty you know."

"I don't." The girl snapped quickly in reply.

"Okay." Declan replied kindly with a slight nod. Declan knew the girl next to him felt slightly guilty about taking Declan away from his love, the whole reason she'd taken him and turned him into the creature he is now is because she wanted company after losing her love. The girl – Victoria came off as sly, mischievous and cold but Declan could see that underneath all that was a broken girl. He had been afraid of her at first when he woke up from his transformation, wondering what she'd done to him and why. As Declan calmed down however, he chose to try and be kind to her and figure out exactly what was going on. It surprisingly didn't take long for Declan to get to know Victoria, even she was surprised she actually got along with the boy. Victoria thought she was going to have to manipulate the boy into following her around but Declan had this somewhat comforting aura around him, and Victoria actually felt safe around him. Victoria almost felt as if she could go on with Declan but her anger and her thirst for vengeance always seemed to push through. It had been nearly a year since she had turned Declan and the boy had surprisingly amazing self-control for a new born. The year had been better than the first while after her mate James' death but she still couldn't seem to get rid of the rage that seemed to pool in her stomach every time she thought of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. She had explained everything that had happened with Bella and the Cullen's, Declan sympathized with her, explaining that he didn't know the Cullen's but he knew Bella and that she had been a good friend. Victoria had rolled her eyes at that but it didn't surprise her, Declan seemed the type to be friends with everyone.

Declan and Victoria sat on the hill looking up at the stars for what seemed like hours, both lost in thought. Declan thought of home, thought of his mother and his friends, but most of all he thought of Seth. He hoped his mother was finding a way to cope without him, hoped maybe she had found someone to spend her time with, found love and happiness. He even hoped that maybe his dad was somewhere looking out for her. Declan thought of Jacob and Embry and Quill, he hoped they were happy. He hoped Sue and Leah Clearwater were helping each other put themselves back together after Harry's death. Then there was Seth, Declan hoped Seth was okay. He hoped that Seth was still the boy he fell in love with and that he hadn't let his father's death and Declan's disappearance get the better of him. He liked to think about Seth's beaming smile and his brown eyes that glowed like honey in the light. He liked to think of the soft kisses and quietly whispered 'I love you's' they shared. Declan missed his home, he missed the life he would never get back, but perhaps now he was meant to move on and live a new life of adventure, even if it wasn't with the boy he dreamed would always be by his side. And maybe this new life with Victoria was meant to guide him to what life really had in store for him. And so Declan looked up into the night sky with a wistful smile, whispering a small goodnight to Seth Clearwater in his head, hoping the stars would carry his message.

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