Chapter 5

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It was the middle of the night when Seth Clearwater woke to strange sounds outside his bedroom window. The boy sat up in his bed, reaching over to his bedside table to turn the lamp on. His eyes squinted over at the window in question, waiting for something to come of the noise.

Impatient, Seth threw the covers from his body and got up to investigate. Creeping slowly towards the window, he heard a light tapping. Reaching out a hand he grasped the dark brown curtain, yanking it to the side only to let out an annoyed sigh. There sitting perched on the small bit of roof outside his window was Declan Marcs.

"What on earth are you doing?" Seth huffed out has he opened the window.

"The real question is what are we doing Seth Clearwater" Declan whispered out in attempt to be quiet " because you see, we are going on an adventure!" he finished off excitedly, a large grin stretching across his youthful face.

"You're crazy. It's the middle of the night!" Seth whisper-shouted back, yet he couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face.

"Which is the best time for an adventure!" Declan exclaimed " now come one, we've gotta go." And so, Seth quickly climbed out the window and down the string of ivy which crept down the side of his house and followed after the boy he loved.

"Where on earth are we going Declan?" Seth giggled out, his hand clasped in Declan's as the boy dragged him through the woods.

"On an adventure, like I told you. And the exact location is a secret" Declan spoke with a giggle as he guided them through the thick woods surrounding them. The stars seemed brighter than ever before as Declan looked up to the sky, this night was going to be special – he could feel it.

Seth couldn't help but smile as Declan dragged him through the forest, Declan's face was lit up with excitement and wonder and it almost seemed contagious as Seth began to look around with the same wonder sparking in his eyes. His whole life Seth had just seen the woods as well, the woods but now, now Seth felt as if he was looking at them for the first time. Everything around him seemed to be draped in a cover of dark blues, greens, and purples. Some of the trees and leaves almost seeming otherworldly as the moonlight hit them. Seth was so caught up in his wonder that he didn't see an upcoming log, tripping over it and falling into the boy ahead of him. Declan went tumbling down with Seth on top of him, the two of them gasping in shock before melting into a fit of giggles and heavy breathing.

"Sorry" Seth choked out through his laughter.

"Geez Seth, always the clumsy one aren't you?" Declan teased as he helped the other boy up from the ground.

"I'm pretty sure you're normally the clumsy one" Seth joked back.

"Are you sure? Cause I climbed up your house to the window petty damn stealthily"

"Dude, you were so loud I heard you coming. You scared the shit out of me" Seth countered. Both boys fell into another fit of giggles as Declan mumbled out a small 'sorry' before continuing on their journey. It didn't take much longer for the boys to reach Declan's chosen destination, Declan having wrapped his hands around Seth's eyes as they got closer so that he could surprise him.

"Are we almost there?" Seth questioned as he shuffled through the woods, slightly nervous about not being able to see anything.

"Yeah. Just a few more steps" Declan mumbled into Seth's ear, the hair on the back of Seth's neck rising and goosebumps decorating his skin at the sensation of Declan's breath on his neck.

"Alright, we're here" Declan declared as he and Seth stopped walking.

"Surprise" was Declan's final whisper as he pulled his hands away from Seth's eyes with a shy smile. He only hoped Seth would like it as much as he did.

The Adventurer | S. Clearwater (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now