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One Day later

"You did a good thing, Tori." Jade said in a low voice as Tori emerged from under the covers of the bed with a wicked smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around Jade and smirked. "First time I've gotten a compliment for that...actually I think that's the first time we've done that." She whispered in Jade's ear in a low voice. Jade smirked and turned to face her. "I wasn't talking about that, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind returning the favor at some point but I was talking about how you helped out Cat."

Tori smiled a genuinely happy smile. They had received a text from Cat a few hours after they had left Alyssa and the redhead at the mall. It wasn't a long text or one with words in fact, it was two smiley faces kissing and a heart. Tori had smiled widely and Jade had raised her eyebrows while muttering something about Cat working quickly under her breath to which Tori had replied with a laugh.

"You don't think those two...uh..." Tori looked over at Jade and rapidly shook her head. "No...Cat wouldn't push that on anyone...I think." Jade laid back on the bed and smiled widely. "I don't know...If I were Cat I wouldn't push the offer on her, but if it was offered I wouldn't turn it away." Tori glared at Jade mockingly. Do you want to re-phrase that, Jade? Or should I call Trina and see if she can come home early?"

Jade instantly closed her mouth for a moment and narrowed her eyes at Tori. She was about to get up off the bed to try and pin her when the door to Tori's bedroom burst open and a redheaded blur shot through the room and landed on the bed between the two of them.

"Hi guys! I needed to ask you something."



Cat looked at the two mortified girls and shook her head in confusion. "Did I interrupt something? Or were you two about to go to bed.? It is kinda late."

Jade stared at the redheaded girl in shocked disbelief before asking softly. "Cat...are our clothes on the floor?"


"Do you not see my bra hanging from the hook above the door? And do you not see Tori's bra on the floor over there?"

Cat thought for a moment and looked around the room before nodding. "Yes I do. So...I did interrupt something?"

Jade tried to keep her voice from rising due to the sheer disbelief and barely managed to succeed. "Yes. Yes you did. But that's...okay I'm not going to lie, it's really annoying. And mortifying." Tori let out a sigh and wrapped a blanket around her body as Jade did the same and spoke up. "Cat, what seems to be the problem? And why did you end up coming over here at...eleven fifteen at night?"

Cat looked down for a moment and tried to find the exact words she needed to say. "I think Alyssa wants to sleep with me." Jade and Tori's jaws both dropped in shock at the words coming out of Cat's mouth. Tori tried to form words but couldn't seem to form any for a few moments.

"...How do you figure that?"

"She was rubbing my shoulders."

"You...I...Cat...just because someone does that doesn't mean that they want to have sex. Sometimes...they just-"

"Plus she told me she was having a great time with me during the date."

"You've been dating for one day, Cat! Are you seriously telling me...I...Cat, I think we need to have a talk on a relationship works."

Jade sighed heavily and motioned for Cat to sit down next to her.

"Alright so when two people are dating...

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