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I just got into a fight with someone who doesn't approve of my ship and I'm just exhausted. Why do people care? I don't care what you ship, if you enjoy it then good for you, I hope it works out. But I ship what I ship, so please stop fighting! We have to stick together. I just moved and fandom is making my life so much better, and it's the case for a lot of people. Don't ruin it with petty civil wars that tear fandoms apart. We are a family. United by a commune love, enjoyment and empathy. So why do we fight? Each ship, each fandom, has unique qualities, ideas and people, and each one us beautiful. There are ships I don't personally support, but I respect them. I respect the shippers, I respect there love and dedication. Sometimes fights within fandom cannot be avoided, and if someone gates your ship because of the genders of your ship feel free to cast them into Tartarus. But don't do it only just because it contradicts yours.

P.S Just finished Blood of Olympus. I'm afraid I died. 

I fixed the "we ate a family typo" you can all shut up about it. Seriously. One letter and suddenly I'm a cannibal.

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