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It was about 10:21am. Logan was asleep until he wake up and realize church starts in nine minutes. His eyes widen in shock. He rush to brush his teeth and dress up he wear long sleeve black dress shirt with his usual blue and black striped tie black dress pants and dress shoes. He teleports to the church. He rushed through the door quietly without causing any distraction. Logan lucky found Virgil, Patton, And Roman.
"Your late Logan" whispered Virgil
"Sorry, I over slept" Logan reply back. Patton looked at Logan and Virgil a kindly told them to be quiet."Shhhh be quite"! Patton whispered.
Suddenly Logan's nose started to tickle. He tried his best to not make a scene unfortunately he sneeze."Ah-ah-achoo!" Logan sneeze but luckily it was a quick and quiet sneeze.
"Bless you" Virgil said.
"Wow, bless you nerd." Roman reply
"Bless you kiddo!" Patton added.
Logan face went red, he rolled his eyes and went back to playing attention to the pastor version of Roman.
Until Logan had to sneeze again...
"Achoo achoo achoo chu chu ah-ah-ah choo"
Everyone in the church looked at Logan, Logan was embarrassed, face was bloodshot red.
"Umm.. bless you Logan." The pastor said.
"Yea.. bless you." Deceit said sarcastically.
"Thank you." Logan reply failing to notice his sarcasm.
After the church service was over it was 12pm.
"Hey guys are we still going to Sunday lunch?" Roman ask.
Logan eyes widened and was afraid that he kept sneezing nonstop and completely forgot about the Sunday lunch they had planned for 2 weeks but Logan knows he already promised Patton and Roman he would attend.
"Ok kiddos let's get in the car" Patton said.
About 15 minutes later they arrived to this fancy restaurant and it's the hardest restaurant to get a reservation. They have to sit in the waiting room because they were scheduled to eat at 12:45. Logan nose started to tickle, He muffled his sneeze in his elbow.
"You okay?" Virgil asked.
"Yea you been sneezing a lot." Roman added
"Of course he has." Deceit said while leaving the restaurant.
"Don't believe him guys, his a liar." Logan claimed.
Before deceit could leave he gave Logan the death stare and says. "It takes a liar to know a liar, so think before you say Logan". Deceit walk out of the door.
The waiter came in to the waiting room
"Umm Patton sanders your table of four is ready sir, follow me." The waiter said. The sides followed the waiter to the dining room.
"Ok here are your menus, let me know when you are ready to order."
Thank you, ok now Logan please try not to sneeze out loud." Patton added.
"Sorry, Patton it's not a good idea to hold in your sneeze which it will cause you to have stroke and brain damage if it comes a habit."
"Hey Logan." Virgil asked.
"Yes?" Logan respond
"What did Deceit say to you from earlier?" Virgil said concerned.
"I'll tell you later but right now let's just enjoy our lunch." Logan response back.
Wow that sounds good I'm getting the triple chocolate waffles! Patton said.
"*Sign* now Patton that is too much sweet pick an entree please!" Logan demanded.
"Fine." Patton said disappointment.
"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked.
"Yea.. I'll take the steak and lobster tails." Virgil responded.
"I'll take the lobster crab shrimp party plate." Roman said.
"I'll take the shrimp fried rice with lobster egg rolls." Logan said.
"And I'll take fried cat fish with side of fries and fried shrimp."
"Okay and your drinks." Waiter ask.
"Red cream soda." Roman ordered
"Grape soda for me." Virgil ordered
"Blueberry kickstarter for me." Logan ordered
"I'll take Hawaiian Punch." Patton ordered
"Okay you're order will be about an hour." Waiter said while going in to the kitchen as soon he open the kitchen door all we heard is one of the chefs saying "ITS RAW YOU DONKEY AND WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE FOOD GETTING OUT!"
Logan sneezed, "Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu."
"You done?" Roman chuckled.
"Ye- ACHOO!" Virgil handed him some on to go tissues.
"Thank you Virgil." Logan said while blowing his nose.
"No problem." Virgil said
That's one heck of a cold you getting Logan, maybe we should go home we'll come back another time." Patton suggests.
"No, really fibe." Logan said with a stuffy nose.

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