Chapter 2: The Visitor

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The next few weeks were a pain to say the least, but it was no surprise to Briana in the least. She couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. Every second with the Dursleys was hell.

She thought this over as she sat in the kitchen the following morning. Harry wasn't up yet, but Dudley was and was already digging into his breakfast, his fifth chin flapping happily. I watched him with a look of disgust.

Aunt Petunia was making sure to keep up with the breakfast as Vernon watched TV.

Briana got sick of watching Dudley and got up to sit on the coach in the living room. Uncle Vernon ignored her as he watched the TV.

Uncle Vernon was watching the news. They were currently broadcasting a warning about a newly escaped criminal.

"We are told that Sirius Black is highly dangerous. If seen, contact the police right away," the reporter was saying.

"No wonder," Vernon spat at the TV, "Look at his hair!"

Black indeed had long curly black hair along his shoulders. Briana stared at him for a moment.

"Where did he escape from?" Briana asked.

Uncle Vernon blinked at her in surprise. Usually Briana wasn't one to go asking her Uncle or Aunt questions. Typically she tried ignoring them as much as possible.

"Idiots didn't tell us," for once, it wasn't Briana being called the idiot, "How are we to know where the maniac is!"

At that moment, Harry came walking into the kitchen. He had some kind of form clutched in his hand. He sat next to me and handed one of two over to me.

It was a Hogsmeades permission slip form. Briana had almost forgotten that third years were allowed to visit the village. Hogsmeades had tons of shops, candy shops, joke shops...... lots of different stuff. It looked as if they needed a signature to go though, which wasn't good on there part.

"He'll never sign it," Briana whispered to Harry, motioning towards Uncle Vernon.

As for Uncle Vernon, he was still raging on about Sirius Black, "When will they understand the only way to deal with these people are hangings!"

"I agree," Aunt Petunia had entered the living room and was glaring out the window.

The sound of the mailbox flipping sounded from the front door. Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley all looked at Harry and Briana.

"I'll get it," Briana muttered as she stood.

Briana reached down and grabbed the mail from the floor. Mostly bills were contained in it, and a few cards. Briana headed back to the living room.

Briana tossed the letters to Uncle Vernon. She realized that Harry was in some kind of argument with their relatives.

"She's not coming here, is she?" Harry was asking.

"She is a for a week," Uncle Vernon spat, "And you better behave yourself!"

"Who?" Briana said cluelessly. Wow, that was the second question she had asked. She was on a roll.

"Your Aunt Marge," Uncle Vernon snapped.

Briana couldn't stop the words that came from her mouth, "Oh no."

Aunt Marge wasn't technically Briana or Harry's aunt. She was Uncle Vernon's sister well her mother had been Aunt Petunia's sister. Uncle Vernon still expected her to be called Aunt Marge. Aunt Marge lived where she bred bull dogs. Aunt Marge usually cried at the thought of leaving her precious dogs for long periods of times, but once in a while she would come on over.

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