Chapter 13

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You were sat in the kitchen, nervously clutching your cup of coffee.

Once you had calmed down enough for your brain to restart, you tried to wrangle your son from Jimin so you could get him into some clothes, dangling the park idea in front of him again in hopes it would gain you some control.

Jimin hadn't stopped smiling since he had first held Min-Jun, not faltering even for a second when the little boy demon-screamed 'no' at you for the millionth time that day.

He had simply offered to take over, welcoming the now compliant boy into open arms as he was led down the hall and into Min-Jun's room.

You were going to help but Jimin assured you that he could handle it, and told you to relax for a moment.

And now here you were, waiting slightly impatiently for Jimin and your son to return.

You were floored at the rate at which Min-Jun warmed up to Jimin, and how quickly Jimin assumed father-like responsibility for your little devil.

You bit your lip as your finger traced over the warm edge of your coffee cup, mind swirling with thoughts that, much like your son, you couldn't tame.

Where the hell is Ji-ae!?

She should be back by now...


Oh god...

Please tell me Min-Jun isn't going to come out wearing his Iron Man costume again...

You had tried your best to give directions, telling Jimin that there was clothes already neatly laid out on his bed, but you also knew how sneaky/persuasive/demanding your little demon-boy can be when it comes to wearing his favorite superhero costume.

When you heard the fast padding footsteps running down the hall outside the kitchen you immediately stood up and away from the table, turning in time to catch Min-Jun before he ran head-first into your shins.

"MOMMY!" He yelled in delight, your eyes immediately scanning the now clothed boy with adoration.

You didn't need to lift your eyes to know that the shadow following along behind him was his estranged father.

"I hope he wasn't too much trouble" You mumbled sheepishly, reaching down to ruffle your son's hair to calm yourself down again.

"Not at all" Jimin's sing-song voice replied, the smile on his face a total give-away by his tone. "He was a perfect angel!"

Of course he was...

You had to physically stop yourself from scoffing at that bold statement.

"Well, shall we go to the park then?" You asked your son, avoiding eye contact with the man now standing beside you.

"YAYY!" Min-Jun yelled, stomping his feet in excitement.

You smiled adoringly at him, scooping him into your arms and motioning for Jimin to follow you to the front door.

Sensing hesitation before you even reached the foyer you paused in your tracks, furrowing your brows and peering over your shoulder at the frozen man.

"I-uh.. I can't be seen in public..." He mumbled quietly.

Oh sh*t

I totally forgot...

"Oh... right, I-I'm sorry-" You stumbled over your words as you watched the idol's face contort into a look of pure embarrassment. "We can stay here! Or we can use the building's private terrace?"

My Little Mochi - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now