Chapter 17

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"Hey there Min Jun!" Jimin cooed, his arms wrapped tightly around the little boy, "Are you excited to play today!?"

You smiled to yourself as you walked over to put Min Jun's toddler bag down on a chair.

Min Jun was mumbling something to Jimin that you couldn't quite hear, but as soon as you went to ask you had your answer.

The little devil squirmed out of Jimin's arms and darted for the ball pit.

You shook your head at him.

"Hey Y/N," Jimin said, his eyes squinting as he smiled, the same look you saw every day in your son.

Your heart clenched.

"Ready for the most exhausting day of your life?" You joked, walking over to stand beside him, eyes trained on the little ball of energy diving in and out of the multicoloured plastic balls.

Jimin laughed, "I think training may have gotten me in shape for this. Idol life has to be good for something, right?"

You could have sworn he almost sounded sad, but you shook off that thought almost as soon as it hit you.

Before you could say another word, Jimin was launching himself into the ball pit with Min Jun, earning himself a banshee scream from the little monster.

"Mochi, play nice okay!" You called, hoping that he would be a good boy and not end the day screaming like he tended to do recently.

"Okay!" Jimin and Min Jun both called back to you.

You burst into laughter, Jimin going beat red as he noticed you weren't addressing him but was actually addressing the four-year-old in the room.

Taking a seat on one of the animal-themed chairs, you took off your jacket and relaxed, opting to watch instead of participate. After all, this was a day meant for the two boys to bond, and you didn't want to put yourself in the middle if you didn't have to. Min Jun was a notorious mamma's boy and you didn't want him clinging to your leg instead of enjoying his time with Jimin.

About forty minutes went by, seemingly endless laughter echoing across the café of the two boys who were somewhere inside the giant playground.

The sound was music to your ears, you couldn't wipe the permanent smile that had plastered itself on your face even if you tried.

You had gone up to the one staff member in sight to order a few bottles of water, but beyond that, you hadn't explored much of the area.

Curiosity got the better of you and you started to pace around the outside of the playground, vying for a look at what Min Jun was getting up to.

You spotted them through one of the plastic windows near the top of the playground, your son immediately waving at you to come up, Jimin behind him with a smile on his face. They looked so much alike in that moment you could have sworn Min Jun was a clone of the idol, instead of half of you.

You shook your head at them, hoping it was enough to get you out of having to crawl through the tunnels.

"Come on Y/N!," Jimin called, barely audible from behind the barrier.

"Not a chance!" You called back with a laugh, the idea of being in the germ-infested tunnels of a child's playground was enough to convince you the ground was a better idea.

"Mommy come!!!" Min Jun screamed, making Jimin cover his ears from how loud he must have been yelling.

"Mommy is going to stay down here, Little Mochi!" You yelled back.

My Little Mochi - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now