Chapter 41

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      "She's taken Jon, killed Erid, taken their babe, destroyed the North, and is marching to Kings Landing." Tyrion spoke dryly. Bran sat in his chair, facing the wall.
      "Do you know what to do?" Brianne spoke, but he had no response. He turned to the two, for the first time his eyes held uncertainty.
      "No...I don't."
      "Just, when she comes, he sure our bolts have good range." Tyrion looked to Brianne, as she nodded.

Kings Landing was gearing for another fight. Stark soldiers were out and about, training and searching for sight of the giant beast that held the new queen.

The day came. A distant movement in the sky. A dark, shadowy figure lay in the clouds, as if a bringer of death.
The city bells rang, alerting the city people. For the past month they scarcely went outside. There was a clamor and rush of the few hundred still out of their homes. Brianne passed by Tyrion, the Kings guard at her heels. He saw soldiers cutting through the streets, they looked like ants from where Tyrion stood on his balcony. He observed the oncoming figure, and he sighed. He poured another drink.
This will be the day I die.

The beast landed outside the city gates. Bran looked down to Tyrion.
"She wants to negotiate."
Tyrion sighed.
"Me? Really?"
The king only nodded.
Tyrion was saddled onto a white steed, as he galloped through the open streets. Never had he seen them so empty, even after midnight when he came out of the brothels.
"Open the gate." He commanded the guards. They stared at him as if he was crazy. He must've been.
They cranked the gates open, slowly revealing the Dragon queen and her dragon, standing behind her.
"Have you come to bend the knee." Daenerys spoke.
"No. We have not. I've come to negotiate your surrender."
"Surrender?" Daenerys scoffed. Behind her was her unsullied army, led by Dothraki screamers.
"The North is a pile of ash. Would you really want Kings Landing to be the same?"
Tyrion stared into the dragon queen's eyes
"It would be better than a monarchy ruled by you."
Daenerys face twisted into anger. Tyrion broke off into a sprint on his horse, back into the city wall. The gates began to close, but the roar of flames destroyed the gate, and quite possibly the men. Tyrion knew he only had some time before the Dothraki hunted him down on their own horses.
"Go! Go!" He called to the horse, jerking the reins. He could hear the destruction, scorpion bolts flying, and the sound of the dragon roaring in the distance. The Stark men began marching towards the collision, faces pale and swords shaking.

He had finally made it into the safety of the Red Keep. Bran approached him.
"Not well?"
"Not well at all your grace." Tyrion's heart was still racing. He looked out on the destruction. There were already only a few scorpion bolts left. The rest lay burning or as a ash pile. He looked down into the streets, Unsullied soldiers had cornered their men, taking them out row by row.
"Your grace, we should get you to safer ground." Brianne spoke up, watching the carnage.
"How well did that work for Cersei Lannister? I'll stay here." Bran replied.
Tyrion stared down at the destruction happening. He sighed.
      "We need to ring the bells. Our scorpion bolts are almost gone. Our army is being slaughtered. She's already won." He choked out.
Bran and Brianne were silent.
      "We may surrender, but I'm putting my life before they can take yours. I swore myself to protect my king."
      "You'll die." Tyrion spoke bluntly. Brianne only nodded.

The sound of the bells rung out from Kings Landing. The slaughter stopped, as the soldiers put down their swords. The unsullied began to collect them. They made their way to the keep. As did the dragon that held Daenerys.

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