4. A Little Down Time

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This chapter has been edited to make it PG13 - if you would like to read the original mature version, please check out Bonds of Change - Mature Scenes, which can be found in my reading list Tasha's Other Fanfiction. (also linked as the external link to this chapter).


Adam was humming as they walked back to the rooms they had been assigned and Kris couldn't help noticing it was not the most happy sound. When they were off duty Adam had a habit of bursting into song at every opportunity, but they hadn't been off duty in days and Kris could tell the tension was clearly getting to his mate.

He really did need to talk to some people on the ground and so did Adam, for that matter, but he made a quick decision as he took in Adam's demeanour.

"I'll," Adam said as they walked into their quarters, but Kris didn't let his mate get any further.

What he did was crowd in close and push Adam towards the nearest wall, so they were in very close physical proximity.

"You're humming," he said, looking into Adam's eyes.

"Am I?" Adam asked, the surprise dimming in his face very quickly. "I hadn't noticed."

"You're worried about them," Kris replied with a nod.

"They're so completely unprepared for this."

"They're already beginning to adjust."

Adam sighed.

"You don't think the doctors will find a way to reverse it, do you?" Adam said.

"I spoke to David this morning," Kris admitted; "he was working all night. His team can't find any way of reversing the changes, even with Dr McCoy's input. Changing the captain's DNA back is not the problem, it is what the process would do to him that is the issue. When Jim and Spock finally accept the truth, we will have to be ready."

Adam nodded.

"And that means not tense," Kris added and gently placed his hands on Adam's chest.

"How not tense?" Adam asked, tone very interested.

"I'm making an executive decision," he replied, stroking slowly down over Adam's pecs; "we're taking an hour or so off."

"Are ... are you sure ... we have ... time?" The fact that Adam managed to get out the whole sentence underlined exactly how worried he was about their new friends.

"We're making time," Kris said and licked his lips.

Adam was a workaholic, totally dedicated to his duty when he had to be, but Kris knew exactly how to slide round Adam's defences. One of the reasons they matched so well was Kris knew how to make Adam relax when he needed it.

"Nothing is going to change in an hour," he promised, flicking a finger over one of the hard nubs of Adam's now erect nipples under his mate's shirt. "We need to be perfectly in harmony to be able to help Jim and Spock."

This time when Adam hummed under his breath it was a much clearer, higher note.

"I want you to stay right there while I take care of you," Kris said, giving his mate a small, sexy smile as he slowly sank to his knees.

"Kris," Adam whined, staring down at him with wide blue eyes, sparkling in the light.

"Let me have you, Love," he cajoled, letting his fingers linger on the top of Adam's pants, "and then you can have me."

That was the moment Adam's resolve snapped; Kris watched it happen in Adam's expression. Adam gave him control and that was the permission he was looking for.

"Please," Adam whispered.

It was definitely not the first time Kris had been on his knees for Adam and he found the invisible fastenings on Adam's pants with ease. Then he carefully pulled them down. Adam was a virile man; it was never difficult to arouse him, and Kris loved doing so.

"All for me?" he asked and put on his best innocent expression, because he knew it drove Adam completely mad.

Adam all but growled. Never let it be said that the submissive was not as possessive as the other half of a mated pair. Kris smiled.

The whining sound Adam made in the back of his throat was as close as Kris would get his mate to begging unless he played this out a lot longer than he intended. He could reduce Adam to pleading, sometimes they both enjoyed it, but not today. Since Adam had asked so nicely, Kris set to work taking his mate apart.

"By the harps of Aldair," Adam exclaimed and Kris increased his efforts, at which point Adam went non-verbal again and the most sinful moan echoed across the room.

He'd never slept with a man before Adam, but since their bonding he had had a great deal of practice. He knew every response his mate could give and just what it meant. He showed no mercy, pushing Adam closer and closer to the edge with dedicated concentration. It was really no wonder that Adam couldn't hold out for long.

"Kris ... Valir's balls, Kris ..." was the only warning he had before Adam lost it.

That was Kris' cue to be merciful, and this was all for Adam, so he was.

He climbed to his feet feeling very pleased with himself. His own arousal had bloomed while he had seen to Adam, but right about then he was more interested in just looking at his mate. Adam was leaning against the wall, eyes closed with a blissed-out expression that Kris just loved to see on the other man's face. The fact Adam looked a whole lot more relaxed made him very, very happy.

However, then Adam's eyes opened, and Kris found himself the focus of a very hungry stare. Adam's expression slowly morphed into a mischievous smile and Kris knew he had just lost control of the situation.

"I seem to remember you saying something about me having you," Adam said and pushed off the wall.

Kris smiled back, after all, this was what he'd been aiming for.


This chapter has been edited to make it PG13 - if you would like to read the original mature version, please check out Bonds of Change - Mature Scenes, which can be found in my reading list Tasha's Other Fanfiction.

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