chapter 1

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In Mumbai at the metha mansion 

Neela:bacha wake up its 8 am she shouted

In a room a girl slowly opened her eyes and smiled ready for a new day.. she sat up on the bed and did a quick silent prayer while the camera moved around the room seen the big giant teddies sitting in a corner, a laptop which had few documents open, the wall filled with all family pics during different age of hers  be it as a baby, a child, teenager to a grown up

She got up from the bed and went to have a shower

After 20 mins the washroom door open to see a beautiful girl walking out of the washroom and walked to the dressing table and applied kalal and wore her earrings and bracelet.

Neela: avni...bacha come down on time pujja is about to start she said walking into the room

Avni turned around and smiled..placing the hair brush down

Avni:ok ma

Neela smiled and went down while avni was going to save the documents on her laptop.

She then opened her messages as she always does that and smiled seen a message from the person  who she always chats to through messages

Avni: Neil she said smiling and opened the message.

"Gosh Tina u know what happened.. I was working on one of the projects and everytime something would happen that it would get delayed but finally it worked out and the company agreed with it and decided to go ahead.. I had worked so hard in this project and feels like now the best will happen...anyways guess what the maids  over here have learned to make aloo ke parathien and now mom and bebe  r  teaching them to make other things to..and guess what I have a news for u.. I'm coming to India for some time with mom dad and bebe...gosh I cant wait to see u ... u was so beautiful when u was young and now I know u r even more beautiful...  I know for a fact when i see u i will recognise u straight away.
Lots of love neil

Avni smiled but then her eyes widened

Avni:oh no Neil is coming to India.. gosh and all these years I have been writing as Tina...ab kya Hoga... tinaaaaaaa she said quickly grabbing her phone and ran out

Neela:bacha have breakfast

Ashish:avni its yummy poha chal come

Avni:baad mai I'm in a rush  she said leaving

Ashish:yaar who eats breakfast later on he said placing a spoon of poha in his mouth

Avni knew Tina would be busy with her dance practice

Meanwhile at a place a girl was wearing a crop top and leggings while practicing for her dance

She was so busy that she didnt even see her childhood friend

Avni:tinaaaa she said loudly while turning of the music

Tina:avni yaar I was nearly done

Avni:Tina neil  is coming back to India ..


Avni: ya neil

Tina:, but whose neil

Avni: Neil our childhood friend Tina

5 mins later Tina was running behind avni

Tina:avni ki bachi y did u have to write the emails as me couldnt u just write your name

Avni:arien it bappend in a moment besides he was waiting for your emails so I just wrote your name whenever he would message

Tina:urggghb I hate u she said sitting down 

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