East High (2)

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A week later at East High

Adrien's POV
"Wildcats sing along, they really got it going on! Wildcats in the house Everybody sing it loud! Wildcats every where wave your hands up in the air! That's the way we do it let's get to it time to show the world! Wildcats sing along, they really got it going on! Wildcats in the house Everybody sing it loud! Wildcats every where wave your hands up in the air! That's the way we do it let's get to it time to show the world!"

I jumped off the school bus to see Nino with some other wildcats bouncing his basketball, as soon as they all saw me I was crowded by cheerleaders and my team until Nino came up and shouted "Adrien! How ya doing dude?!" "Hey Nino, what's up?" As we walked on everyone came up and said 'hi!' or 'happy new year!' So I just said "Hey guys happy new year!" Nino laughed and replied "Hell yeah it's a happy wildcat new year! In two weeks we're going to the championships with you leading us to infinity and beyond! What team?"
"What team?"
"Wildcats! Whoooo!!"

As we walked in everyone, except my team, was checking Chloe out as she walked down the hall, with her practically assistant Sabrina, commenting things like 'oohh! Whoo-hoooo!'. As they walked past or well through us everyone moved and said "ooh!" And she just rolled her eyes at our sarcasm and then Nathaniel said "Looks like the ice princess has returned from the North Pole!" To which Nino responded "She spent the holidays the way she always does."
"How's that?" I replied with confusion. "Shopping for mirrors!"
"Burnnn!!" I laughed and said "I thought vampires don't have a reflection?"

Marinette's POV
First day at a new school!! I'm so nervous!😬
"Mum my stomach-"
"Is always nervous on a first day at a new school! You'll do great, you always do! And I made my company promise that I can't be transferred again until you graduate!" Ok little bit less nervous now.
"I reviewed your transcripts, your light will shine brightly here at East High!" Professor Damocles says butting in.
"But I don't want to be the school's freaky genius girl again!"
"Just be Marinette!"
"This way!" He says butting in again!

Adrien's POV
As class started filing in Ivan welcomed me as Miss Bustier drank her morning coffee. I started talking to him and he said
"Don't you remember anything from the night before?"
"No all I remember is like pink jelly an-" I stop as I see two midnight blue pigtails and instantly Marinette came to my mind.

As soon as her sweet image was in my mind Chloe came over and ruined it.
"Hey Adrikins! Did you miss me?" She asked puckering her lips.
"Hi Chl-"
*bell noise* ahh saved by the bell! We all sat down as Miss Bustier spoke
"I trust you all had splendid holidays! Check the signup sheets in the lobby for new activities, Mr Agreste! Especially our winter musicale we will have singles auditions for our supporting roles" I blanked out and sat down and the things she was saying I didn't hear as Nino asked me if I was ok and I just responded with yeah.
"....and pairs for our Two leads"
Nino just 'boo'ed which caught the attention of Miss Bustier "MR Lahiffe, this is a place of learning not a hockey arena! There is also a final signup sheet for next weeks scholastic decathlon competition, Chem club president Alya Césaire can answer your questions about that" as the teacher spoke her name she raised her hand with eagerness.

Suddenly my cell went off, it was Marinette, she was texting me! Crap my ringers on!
"Ahhh the cellphone menace has returned to our crucible of learning!"
Chloe asked if it was Sabrina's as she checked her own
"Chloe and Sabrina, cellphones and I will see you in detention! We have zero tolerance for cellphones in class, so we will get to know each other in detention! Cell phone! And welcome to East High Miss Dupain-Cheng! Mr Agreste I see your phone is involved so we will see you in detention as well!"
"That's not a possibility dud- I mean Miss Bustier du- your honour, see cos we have basketball practice and my dud- I mean Adrien-"
"Ahh that will be 15 minutes for you too Mr Lahiffe! Count 'em dude!"
"Could be tough for Nino, he can't count that high!" Alya whispered to the person next to her
"Alya Césaire 15 minutes for you also! Shall the harnage continue? Holidays are over people, way over! Now any more comments, questions?" Ivan raised his hand
"How were your holidays Miss Bustier?" Everyone groans "what?" *bell noise* yes! I eagerly bolted out of class and waited by the door for Marinette.

As Nino went past,
"Sorry dude, see you in detention!"
"Nah it's cool she's crazy!"
I eyed everyone as they walked through the door then at last I saw Mari! I walked up behind her and hugged her and whispered in her ear
"Hello M'lady, miss me?"
"Oh of course kind sir!*giggle*" there's that giggle I miss that sounds like heaven!
"I don't-"
"Believe it!"
"Well me-"
"Either but how?"
"My Mums company transferred her here to Paris! I can't believe you live here! I looked for you at the lodge on New Years Day!"
"We had to leave first thing" why am I whispering?
"Why are you whispering?" Omigod!! Did she read my mind??

"Oh my friends know about the snowboarding just not the uh singing cuz my friends it's uh not what I do it's like a different person but uh welcome to East High! And now you've met Miss Bustier I bet you just can't wait to sign up for that" I say pointing at the signup sheet for the winter musicale.
"I won't be signing up for anything just yet, I wanna get to know the school first buuuttttt if you sign up I might consider coming to the show"
"Yeah yeah that's completely impossible!" We laugh until a sickly voice comes our way.

"what's impossible Adrihoney? I wouldn't think impossible is even a word in your vocabulary! Oh so nice of you to show our new classmate around!" She took her pink pen out and wrote in big scrawly letters over the signup sheet. "Oh we're you going to sign up too? My friend and I have starred in all the schools productions and we really welcome newcomers! There are a lot of supporting roles and I'm sure we can find something for you!"
"No no no I was just looking at the student bulletin boards there's loads going on in this school, nice penmanship." And our que to leave!! Mari walked on but Chloe grabbed my arm "So Adrikins I missed you during vacation, what did you do?"

"Umm basketball, some snowboarding, more basketball..."
"When's the big game?"
"Two weeks"
"Your so dedicated... just like me! I hope you come watch me in the musicale, promise?" To this I just nod my head and start to walk off "toodles!"
"Toodles?" I say and make a runner!

Whew second part done!! And I know it says 'musicale' but that's how I say it (like Mrs darbus) I am very much a drama student 😂
Elle xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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