Chapter 12

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Once everyone was awake they all decided after lunch that they'll head to the Sun and Moon kingdom and tell the King and Queen.

And there walking now. Nightmare gripped Cross hand tightly.

"What's wrong Nighty?"

"... I'm scared... what if they hurt you?"

Cross let go of Nightmares hand and put his arm around Night neck and pulled him closer "they wouldn't do that" Cross kissed Nightmare skull

"... ok" Nightmare was less scared but still scared at the same time.

Dream and Killer walked behind Cross and Nightmare. Dream holding Killers arm. They were talking about what to do if something happens and then they would talk about a different scenario.

After about 4 hours of walking that made it to the castle Dream had to yell at the guards to let Cross and Killer through.

They all walked nervously to the thrown room where the anti-gay King and Queen sat.

Dream opened the door followed by Killer they held hands then Cross walked in with Nightmare behind him. The walked up to them

"Mother. Father" Dream said calmly

"Who are theses" the king motioned to Killer and Cross

Dream took a deep breath "... Mine and Nightmare boyfriend's"

The Queen gasped "Not you to!"

"But here me ou-"

"I will not put up with this get them out!" The Queen interrupted

"LISTEN!" Dream yelled which caught the two off guard "Nightmare. Is. Gay. I. Am. Gay. You need to except that. And if it makes you feel any better they are the prince's of
Pride and Truth!" Dream sounded serious

"... I don't understand who this benefit us" The king spat

"Pardon but I hear you're at war? Yes?." The king nodded to Cross "you aware of our army?"

"Hmmm what are you getting at"

"If you agree to let me and my brother marry your sons then I'll have our army assisted in the war" Cross smirked at the King. Nightmare peaked his head around Cross and met eyes with his mother. He flinched and gripped Cross tighter

"... I don't really see anything wrong with them getting married. If they help us or not our boys deserve to be happy" the queen spoke

"... fine but you will help in the war" Cross nodded "then you can marry our sons"

Dream smiled and yelled "YES THANK YOU!!" He hugged Killer.

Nightmare smiled and hugged Cross from behind.

The Queen smiled as well "Dream, Nightmare do you mind if me and your Father get to know ... umm"

"I'm Cross Prince of Truth. And that's Killer Prince of Pride"

"Oh well do you guys mind us getting to know them?"

Dream spoke first "I don't mind"

Nightmare was hesitant "only if I can stay in the room or were ever you will be talking... I don't want to leave Cross with you guys"

"That's fine I understand" the Queen said "Dream you can stay to." Dream smiled and peaked Killers Cheek man I him blush.

They got up and walked into the library were that all taked. Turns out The Queen was found of Cross and Killer the king was still having trouble expecting it but after 3  hours of talking and Dream constantly Peking Killers Cheek he expected it.

"Nightmare , Cross . I have seen Killer and Dream kiss multiple times but all you two do is cuddle" the King said

"... well Nighty likes to ta-" Cross couldn't finish as Nightmare grabbed his face and kissed him

'Awww's' and 'how cutes' filled the room

When Nightmare pulled away he hid his face in Cross jacket Cross smiled "Nightmare yup didn't have to"

Nightmare shook his head then spoke "Mother was right we don't do that often so I did it" it was muffled but you could understand him.

The Queen began to talk about the wedding which she decided would be the next day so she sent maids to prepare at once.

Next Chapter is wedding ^v^

Sorry IF it's short

A Price Doesn't Have to Love a Princess (Crossmare,) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now