Chapter 2

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Destiny's POV

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked Maddy walking her back home.
"Yeah, after school Starbucks?"
"Sure little miss Whitesides." I said laughing.
"I'll see ya, ok?"
"Yeah later Lines."
"Bye desk." She said walking into her house. It was actually almost 6:00 when I got home. I quickly ran up the stairs tripping on something and face planting into the carpeting."That's my clumsy sister!" Aaron said completing his new vine.
"You really had to to that?" I asked him. He skipped to his room with his starbucks (that I just noticed).
"AARON BRANDON YOU'RE SUCH A WHITE GIRL!" I screamed down the hallway.  heard him giggle and slam his door shut.I slowly crawled into my room.I stood up, closed and lock my door, then went to get my pajamas.Since I get free merch from the boys I put on a Cameron Dallas sweatshirt and pink leggings. Then I went into my bathroom, took out my contacts, brushed my teeth,put my hair up in a bun, and put my glasses on. I walked out of my bathroom and laid down on my bed.I thought about what cam was trying to say when Maddy and I prank called Nash. I shrugged my shoulders and fell asleep. -1 week later- "DESTINY WAKE UP!" I saw Maddy at the foot of my bed. I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes. "So I don't even get a hello?" Maddy asked me. "Hello Maddaline Autumn." I said locking myself into the bathroom. "That was a nice 'how do you do' brainfreeze." Maddy said dragging the e. I put on a loose tank top that said "you can't sit with us", light wash jeans, and a Magcon Bennie. I quickly put on foundation and mascara and got out of my bathroom. I started jumping up and down realizing what happenening today. Today I get my braces and It's my 5th Magcon tour with the boys! I went to go grab my suitcase but Maddy already had it packed. "Wow that was fast lava brains." I giggling.               "Yeah. You have to pick out a swim suit though"
"Ok I will." I said walking to my dresser. Searching though my sein suits, I decided to pack two, my pink bikini and my blue and white bikini.
"To the orthodontist AWAY!" I yelled running down the hallway with my suitcase.
-At the orthodontist-
"what color bands would you like it can be up to 3 colors." The man kindly asked.
"Can I get red,white,and black?" "Sure".
-after the orthodontist, at the airport-
"I'm going to miss my babies!" Our mom said. Aaron and I just  looked at each other.
"Bye mom!" We said walking into the airport. Since Maddy and Jacob had an earlier flight than us we were alone....just us awkward silence. All the boys were meeting us in Cam and Nash's apartment. We were meeting Mahogany and Maddy at the airport.
-at LAX-
"Mahogany!" I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
"Hey! I missed ya Desk!" We both laughed. I grabbed my luggage and we went to the apartment complex. We went to their apartment and I opened the door. There I saw almost all the boys.............but they were.............shirtless.
"HOLY BICEPS!" I yelled as I walked into the door. "What can't a couple of guys play mario cart without shirts on?" Jacob asked me while currently beating Nash, Carter, and Cam at moo moo medows.
"Well...........Y'ALL ARE NASHTY PUT SOME SHIRTS ON" I said throwing something a Jacob.
"Really a spoon?" He asked only glancing at me for a second. I snuck up behind him and started tickling him. I put my hand out and Maddy put a pile of whipped cream on it.
"SMACK CAM!"I screamed,I turned around a smacked Hayes.
"YOU'L NEVER CATCH ME!"  I screamed running down the hallway of the apartments. Someone picked me up and carried me back to the room. My eyes started to turn blue but I kept it back. The person put me down put me down. I looked up into the eyes of...Cameron Dallas.
"Cam why did you carry me back here" I said while playfully hitting him. Cam is like a big brother to me. I mean Aaron was born 10 minutes before me,but we barley hang out.
"who wants to play truth or dare people?" Taylor asked sitting on the floor. We all raised our hands and sat down in a huge circle.
"I'll go first," I said, "Hayes truth or dare?"
"What's your favorite kind of cookie?"
"Um...chocolate chip."
"Ok, close your eyes!" I said standing up.


Hey everyone! I'm finally updating this story again I have no idea how long this is going to be but yeah. Thanks for reading my stories and remember stay beautiful👑❤️😘✌️💁

Here's chapter two just like j promised but a day early! chapter three should be out in to next week, sometime before christmas (I hope) Have a great day my lovelies!

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