Chapter 7

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Every body went to bed as i layed in my bed i thought more of, Why did jason say that? Are they in a fight ? What's gonna happen between them ? What's gonna happen with there child?

"Whats your problem" I heard Baillie yell as Jason bulted up the stairs.

"I have no problem " Jason yelled back.

I ran outside the room and saw Baillie angry and Jason crying. "What's going on here you guys? Your aout to have a child and your fighting . Knock it out! I swear Jason pay attention to Baillie shes about to have your kid you know how hard kids are to take care of."

"I know i know " Baillie said with a huge breath.

"Fine but im not staying here anymore im coming for my things tomorrow!Baillie i can't stand this anymore where done." Jason said in a huff ass he grabbed his truck keys out of his pocket and walked out the door.

"Get some sleep Baillie we can talk in the morning i said looking at Baillie standing there speachlessly stairing out the window. She turned around and slowly walked away before she walked fully down the stairs i heard Seth's voice come out of no where "What just happend".

"Ja-- J--- Jas---" Baillie stuttered.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" Seth said with a huff.

"K--Kin---Kinda" Baillie said looking downwards.

"What did he do?" Seth asked in a heart beat.

"He broke up with me " She said looking at Seth about to cry.

"WHAT! Why?" Seth said.

"I have no clue " Baillie said.

"Come with me" Sethsaid putting his arm around her helping her down the stairs.

Hello?I Love You!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora