The Skull Heart

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Your POV One Year Later

I groaned awake as my "wonderful" alarm clock rips the comfort of my bed away from me. I slammed the top of it making it shut up as I slipped out of the bed. It is now 10:00 in the morning.  Ignoring the alarm I go back to sleep. Only to be to have more opened as my rooms light is turned on.

Valentine: No sleeping in. Get up. You know what happens tonight and I can't have you here in case shit goes down.

Me: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Valentine: No. I kiss her tombstone.

Me: Cold blooded.

I say groaning as I pull the covers off me and sitting up out of bed. I stretched still feeling pain from my old wounds. I try to shrug it off, but it was still a bit much.

Valentine: Still hurts huh?

Me: Like heck. Remind me why we said no to Doc's experiment?

Valentine: I've let it happen once. Now not ever again. Now c'mon.

She says pulling my arm over her shoulder, until I had my footing.

Valentine: You wanna try again?

Me: Yes...

She let me go hesitantly as I try to walk. Only getting two steps in before tripping and Val catches me. I sighed to myself in disappointment.

Valentine: There's always a next time kid.

Me: ...I guess so.

I said in a low tone as she carried my arm over her shoulder as we went outside to get to her car. She puts me in the passenger seat and closed the door. She then hops in the drivers seat as she we drive off. It's about a two hour drive so we'll be there around 12:30 P.M..

Me: Why can't you destroy the stupid thing again?

Valentine: It's an Ancient Artitfact (Y/N). No one knows how.

Me: What does it look like?

Valentine: It's different for everybody. Whatever you imagined it to be. But that's what makes this hard. It doesn't always appear in the same place. So, it's most likely going to hide in plain site. That's why I need you to not leave the base under any circumstances.

Me: I know. I know.

I looked ahead as we're going up the hill. I can see HQ on the top overlooking the town. Val parked in the back as she helped me out. She then grabbed my crutch from out of the car giving it to me as we walked inside. Immediately we are greeted by Big Band.

Me: Hey Double B.

B.B.: (Y/N); Val. Good day.

Valentine: Yeah wonderful.

Big Band: Same as always I see.

Valentine: Do we have any idea where this thing might be?

Big Band: If life was that easy.

Valentine: Where's Parasoul?

Big Band: Taking care of gangs running through the town. A bit of it is from you know who.

Valentine: Great. And the Doctor?

Big Band: "Brainstorming" in his lab like the usual.

Valentine: Great... (Y/N). You know where everything is. Me and Big Band are going to head out to establish some checkpoints.

Me: Good luck with your heart breaking.

Valentine: I will tranq you.

Me: You wouldn't.

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