Chapter 1 - Who Are They?

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I woke up because of my alarm, and yes, my alarm is XOXO by the one and only EXO!! I looked at my balcony and saw my friends taking a swim in the swimming pool

"Yah! Why didn't you wake me up?! And who told you to go swimming in the pool at this hour?!" I yelled at them and they looked at me

"Looks like were busted! I heard Lily said while getting out of the pool

"I told you to turn off her alarm!" Bella unnie yelled while getting out off the water with Che Eonnie

"Yah! Did I said something that you should get out of the pool?" I said while smirking at them, they stopped on their tracks when I told them that

"So... you mean that we can go swimming again?!" Lily said smiling excitedly

"Yes, BUT wait for me, I'm just gonna change ok? And besides I promised that we'll have fun today since we all have a day-off" I said while smiling

"And get some snacks while I'm getting ready" I continued and walked in my walk-in closet and looked for my swimsuit, when I found it I went to my dresser and changed, and if your asking or saying that we all have these things? And your thinking that were rich, right? Well, kind of cause me and Lily were asked if we like to be an artist and sing for them, cause we were at the park waiting for Bela Eonnie and Che Eonnie but we got tired of waiting and started to listen to music and we were just caught up with a  song named 'Cecilia' so we sang along and the moment the song 'Cecilia' finished a lady went to us and hand us calling card and that's it she just asked us both if we want to an artist and we both approved since Bella unnie works in that company like a trainee

I went down to the pool and saw them eating some snacks, I sat beside them and ate some snacks and chat a little when finished eating our snacks and went to the swimming pool to swim


Manager-hyung called us for an important meeting, we were wondering what's the meeting about, we arrived at Manager-hyung's office and sat at the couches, but we greeted Manager-hyung first when we came in and sat at the couches

"Annyeonghasseo! Manager-hyung!" We greeted and manager hyung looked at us and smiled

"Annyeong! Do you know why I called you for an important meeting?" Manager-hyung asked, we shook our head sideways and Manager-hyung stood from his chair and walked to a switch to turnoff the lights and made us look at the flat screen, we looked and saw pictures of four beautiful girls

"You see your gonna have a show called 'Dating my EXO Oppa'" Manager-hyung said still smiling "Manager-hyung, can you introduce to us who they are?" Kris-hyung said "Ok, well, who do you want me to introduce to you 1st? Girl #1?" Manager-hyung said while pointing at the picture of the lady who looks like an angel while smiling

"Girl #2?" Manager-hyung said while pointing to a girl who looks like a korean girl

"Girl #3?" Manager-hyung said while pointing to a girl who looks like a model

"Or...Girl #4?" Manager-hyung said while pointing to a girl wearing dance wear, who looks like a dancer... we keep thinking 1,2,3 or 4? Then we thought about it and said

"Girl #1!" In unison and Manager-hyung was shocked

"Well, as expected you chose Girl #1... well, her name is Danielle, she's 19 years old and she is from Philippines, she's a pure filipino her height is 5'1, she hates it when people ate noisily... And some says when she smiles all the guys from their school falls inlove with her and they call Danielle's smile 'Angelic Smile', any questions about Danielle?" Manager-hyung asked, D.O hyung raised his hand and asked

"Can she cook?" Manager-hyung nodded in reply.

Sorry guys I have to end it here because of my irritating little brother, who wants to use my tablet, cause his is low bat, and he keeps doing irritating sounds so I can be pissed and give the tablet to him, I'm really my Unnis! And thank you for supporting my book and please leave a vote and comment!



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