Chapter six

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"Lori Grimes and Daryl Dixon?"

Maggie Greene was our looking for Rick's group, specifically Carl's mother and Bellamy's father.

"I'm Lori and that's Daryl"

"Good come with me"

"Why?" Daryl asked.

"We found Max"

"What about Sophia?"

Maggie shook her head "no we didn't find her"

"I gotta warn you though, Max isn't the same"


Max was sitting on the porch waiting for Daryl to show up.

"Max?" That was Daryl.

Daryl walked up to her and brought her into a hug.

Max wrapped her arm around Daryl.



Max pulled Daryl into house and into the bathroom shutting the door"

"What are you doing?" Daryl asked, his voice gravelly.

Max turned around and pulled off her shirt.

"Yer arm"

"I got bit, had to chop it off myself"

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"


"What're these?" Daryl asked tracing the scars that Ed made.

"Scars from Ed"

Max pulled her shirt back on, Daryl pulled her into another hug.

"I love you" he mumbled.

"I love you too" I mumbled back.


Carl almost died, my best friend almost died, but he didn't, he didn't because Shane and Otis saved him.

My.... well I guess my father, he decided to stay instead of going back to Dale, Carol and Andrea.

Beth offered to share her room with me, she's nice, she's like an older sister that I never had but always wanted.

"Daryl" I called out, my father was sitting on the porch outside, it looked like he was thinking, wonder what he's thinking about.

Before I stepped outside I stopped by the room that Carl was in, he was asleep on the bed, he didn't have his top on, but he did have a bandage wrapped around his chest and stomach.

Lori noticed me, she waved for me to come in, I didn't want to intrude but I did want to see my friend.

I gave Lori and unsure look, she smiled at me and waved for me to come in again.

"Go" I jumped at the voice.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

"You scared the fuck out of me" I cussed.

Daryl chuckled but he quickly gave me a stern face "what yer language" I could he was trying to be stern but it wasn't exactly working

I walked towards Lori sitting down on a chair next to her.

"Is he okay?" I asked worried about my friend.

"Yes he is but are you?" she asked me.

"No" I shook my head.

"My family that I grew up with for 10 years of my life isn't even my real family, my sister went missing, my arm is gone and now my best friend is lying in bed because he got shot" I cried letting all my emotions come out.

"Don't cry" Carl spoke, wait Carl, he should be sleeping.

"You should be sleeping" I told him.

"So should you" he told me, I smiled at that.

"You too should both be asleep" Lori told us.

I nodded my head yawning "I am getting quite tired"

Carl scooted over making room on the bed "sleep here" he told me.

"Go ahead" Lori told me after I gave her an unsure look.

I got up from the chair and made my way over to the bed, I laid down next to Carl.

Lori kissed the both of us on the head before leaving the room.

"Max your arm, it's gone" I nodded my head.

"I got bit by a walker so I had to chop it off" I explained to him.

"Did it hurt?" he asked me.

I nodded my head "yeah it hurt a lot"

"I'm sorry" he told me.

"For what?" I asked.

"Not being able to protect you from the walker" I smiled.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you from the bullet" Carl smiles at me.

I yawned again "you should sleep" Carl told me.

Agreeing with him I closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.

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