Chapter 15

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once we got out i ran to room 324 just as a doctor was coming out "ah hello are you beau brooks?" "Yes that me how is she?"

"stable shes in a coma you can go in and see her if you want " "thanks" i say running into the room

i saw my limp little sister sitting in the bed with wires attached to her arm i ran to her and pick up her cold hand

"im sssso ssoorrryyyy" i said i was stuttering so because of my tears

i looked over at luke and jai they were both crying into eachother.

3 months later


i woke up i couldnt open my eyes i heard beeping i smelt the smell of hospitals

so i guess im in the hospital i tryed so hard to open my eyes but i couldnt

so i focused on something else i tryed to move my fingers

and after a while i could but i still could'nt open my eyes

which frustrated the hell out of me.

Being the brooks brothers sisterWhere stories live. Discover now