Time of the month

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Special thanks to my bestie lexjadeeewho wrote this chapter  go follow and read reader her stories!

You were watching  a moive on Netflix  while Steve was cooking in the kitchen. You started whining and Steve came into the room "What's worng, doll?" he asked concerned, you look  at him with a sad face "I have cramps." he gave you a sad look and said  "I'll be right back" He walked into the kitchen and got some  pain medication  and Oreos "Here you go doll."  you  simled at him "Thanks babe."

You were in the lab with Tony. He was fixing his suites while you were working on the security system in the tower. You had terrible cramps. Tony walked over to look at what you were doing. You turn around annoyed. "Can you not hover around me? I'm trying to work over here unlike some people." He stared at you and walked to the kitchen. He came back and handes you a chocolate bar.

Thor was concerned when you were on your period." Are you  sure, this is normal?" You sighed. "Yes,Thor.I It happens to every women on earth." He still looked concerned "Where is this Mother Nature. I would like to have a word with her why she makes women go through so much pain. Why should such inspirational creatures have it the worst?" You laughed. He may bea little hard headed but you still love him.

Loki was the same as thor but more understanding."My love would you like more ice cream and cuddles?" You smiled at him. "Yes please." He walked to the freezer, grabbed some ice cream and sat down next to you on the couch. He pulled you  close to him you guys continued to watch tv.

You and Bucky had a chill day. You were laying in bed watching When in Rome. He had his head on your stomach. You guys were eating  McDonald's. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked. You looked at him and nodded yes. "Your heads warm. And other than the stabbing pain of 300 knives in my uterus. I'm  fine." Bucky laughed and you guys turned your attention back to the moive.

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