Chapter 4

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I looked at the clock, I have only thirty minutes until Zach gets here for our date. That should be just the right amount of time. I opened my closet and my eye caught a white summer dress that I bought a few weeks ago. The price tag was still on it. I slipped it on and began working on my hair. After I was finished with that, I started putting on make up. Right when I was finished, the doorbell rang. I eagerly ran down the stairs and opened the front door to see Zach standing there. 

"Wow, Pey," He stared me down,"You look great." 

"Thanks," I smiled,"And so do you." 

I grabbed the tie around his neck and pulled him into me. I gave him a quick peck on the lips. 

"You ready to go," He asked. 

"Yep, lets go," Zach took my hand and walked me to his car. He opened my door for me and we started pulling out the driveway. We went to this fancy restaurant. I could talk to Zach for hours and never run out of things to say. We were both comfortable around each other. We finished our meals and before I knew it, we were heading back to his house. 

We walked in the front door,"Mom? Dad? Vic?" Zach called out.

Nobody answered. 

"I guess their not ho-," I began, but was interrupted by Zach's lips crashing on mine. He pressed me up against the wall and our lips never lost contact. His lips slowly started making its way down my neck, but went no further than to my collarbone. He then picked me up and cradled me up the stairs. He layed me down on his bed and I started grabbing for his shirt. I knew what was coming, but I couldn't stop myself. I quickly began unbuttoning his shirt. Once his was off, he began reaching for my dress and unzipping it and then, unlaced my bra. 

"Zach," We heard his mom's voice yell from downstairs. 

"Shit, shit, shit," Zach said angrily over and over again.

We heard her footsteps make its way up the stairs. I began searching the room for my bra, once I spotted it, I lunged myself at it and quickly began putting it on. I quickly slipped my dress on and plopped myself down on his bed. Zach grabbed his guitar and started playing random notes. His mom walked into his room. 

"Hey Peyton," She gave me a friendly smile. She threw Zach a 'we'll discuss this later' look and began talking to Zach about family problems. She finally left the room and went back downstairs. Right once she left, Zach and I started bursting out laughing. I walked over and Zach layed the guitar on the floor so I could sit down on his lap. 

"That was a close one," He said brushing his lips across my neck. 

"Tell me about it," I grinned. 

I stared at the guitar for awhile,"Do you play?" 

"Huh," He asked following my gaze,"Oh, well I can play a few songs, but I'm not the best at it." 

"Play something," I pleaded looking up into his eyes. I hopped off his lap so he could play. 

"This is a song I wrote," He stated and began strumming the guitar,"This song is about you actually."

His face got bright red and he began singing. it was beautiful, I blushed. 

After he was finished playing I squealed,"That was amazing Zach, you have such a beautiful voice. I swear, you're gonna be famous one day." 

He blushed," I doubt it. My dad would never agree with any of this." 

"Tell him," I told Zach. 


I stayed a little bit longer, then went home. I went straight to bed, but I couldn't go to sleep. My phone buzzed from the night stand. I grabbed it and saw that it was from Zach. The text said: Meet me by the lake.

I replied with a yes and crept quietly down the stairs making sure that I don't wake anyone up. I slowly walk over to the front door and open it. It was pouring down rain, great! I sprinted to my car and quickly hopped in and drove to the lake that was right down the street. I saw Zach's white van sitting there. He must of saw me coming because he was inside of my car in a heartbeat.

"Hey," I smiled,"So, whats the meaning of this late night visit?" 

He crawled over next to me and shrugged his shoulders,"I missed you..a lot."

Before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine. I pushed Zach away and jumped into the back seat with Zach right behind me. I grabbed for his shirt and began pulling it off. He did the same as to me. And, you obviously know what went down. 

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