Chapter 3

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That day after school, Zach gave me another ride. 

As we were pulling up into the driveway Zach said,"So, when can I meet your parents?" 

"Uhm, probably not anytime soon, there always extremely busy with work," I lied easily.

I never tell anyone that my parents are in jail, I feel ashamed and embarrassed of them. My dad constantly writes letters to me, but I never read them. Instead, I have them stashed under my bed with the envelope sealed firmly. Everyone seems so proud of their parents for what they accomplished, but my parents, well thats a whole different story. They didn't accomplish anything. They were always searching for work, we were lucky if we could even get food to last us for the week. The only thing that kept my parents happy was their marajuana plants in the backyard and the joy of beating me with a stick as if I was a pinyata just waiting for the candy to explode. That was what they lived on. 

"Do you want to come inside," I asked snapping out of my thoughts. I think my foster parents weren't back from work yet, there was no cars in the garage, so the coast is clear. The only problem is, sneaking past the four foster kids that live with me. I opened the door and we went straight to the kitchen for a snack, we were both always hungry, one of the many things we have in common. I opened the fridge and Jacob, one of my foster syblings, came dashing around from the corner. 

"Ooooh, I think Pey's gotta a boyfriend,"Jacob began singing and dancing around the kitchen. 

"Shut up, Jacob," I yelled after him. We may not be brothers and sisters, but we still fought like it. 

"Was that your brother," Zach asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders,"Yeah, I guess you could call him that. You'll have to excuse him, hes always obnoxious and hyper." 

"Nah," Zach said sitting down on a chair," I have a younger brother too, I'm used to it." 

"Do you want another," I smiled. 

"Thats ok, I think I'm good, but thanks for the offer," He laughed. 

After school, we always hung out. Luckily, Zach had to leave in time for dinner at 5 and that is right before my foster parents get home from work.

Weeks have passed and we became inseperable until one day, I just had to tell him the truth about my parents, I was at the point where I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Zach," I spoke up one afternoon. 

"Yeah," He asked looking up from his homework. 

"There's something I need to tell you," He waited so I continued,"This isn't exactly my house." 

"What do you mean," Zach asked. 

"Well, this is my foster parent's house, my parents are both in....j-jail," I stuttered. I put both of my hands in my face so I didn't have to look at his reaction. 

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug,"Hey, its ok. Its not your fault. There was nothing you could do about it." 

"I just feel so ashamed to bring them up, I'm sorry I lied to you," I buried my face into his chest. 

"Pey, I love you," I heard him whisper. 

"W-what," I asked him. 

"I love you," He repeated himself. 

"I love you too," I smiled into his chest. 

That night, for the first time, Zach met my foster parents and lets just say, it went well. After he met my foster parents, we hung out in the living room. 

"You know what," Zach spoke up. 

I looked over at him

"I'm taking you out to dinner tomorrow night," He smiled,"I haven't taken you out in awhile." “Sounds great” 

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