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Clem and Violet got home a little bit after curfew, which scared the hell out of the both of them.

"Lee is gonna kill me." Clem said as they got out the car.

"Everything will be alright. I'm sure he'll understand if you just explain to him why we were late." Violet said.

Clem opened the door to the house and the two walked inside. Lee was in the kitchen, making himself a sandwich and looked at the two and smiled.

"Hi girls. What took you so long?" Lee asked.

"Traffic was really bad." Clem said.

"I know. Someone had a car accident not too far from the house and I knew it was gonna be a bit before you got through." Lee said.

"You're not mad?" Clem asked.

"No sweetpea. I'm not mad. How was your date?" Lee asked the two.

"It didn't go as planned but we still had a good time." Clem said.

"Yeah. We went up to this hillside and watched the stars together." Violet said.

"The place where we used to have picnics?" Lee asked as Clem nodded her head in response.

"Well that's sweet. I'm glad you two had a great time. Tomorrow is the first day back in school so don't stay up too late." Lee said as he walked upstairs. Clem let out a breath of relief as the two walked to their room.

"I wish I could have gotten to do most of the stuff I wanted to. Did I do a good job?" Clem asked.

"Yes Clem, you did amazing. I had a lot of fun." Violet said.

"I just felt like I could have done more." Clem said.

"You can always do more, but that doesn't mean I want you to. I don't want any fancy dinners or a bunch of unnecessary bullshit. I just want to spend with you. Whether we spend 10 dollars or 100 dollars doesn't matter. Spending time with you is the most important part to me." Violet said. Clem smiled and kissed the blonde. Violet wrapped her arms around Clem and melted into the kiss. Clem slowly pulls away before pecking on the blonde's lips one final time for the night.

"With that, I think we should go to sleep." Clem said.

"Yeah." Violet said as the two crawled into bed.

The next morning...

Clem and Violet woke up to that all too familiar sound of their annoying alarm clock. Clem wasn't happy, and neither was Violet.

"Ugh, why is that damn clock so loud?" Violet asked.

"It's supposed to be like that silly. It's meant to be annoying so we have to get up to turn it off." Clem said.

"Well can we throw it out the window?" Violet asked.

"Nooo, we have to get ready for school." Clem said as Violet began to whine and groan as she buried her face in her pillow.

"Come on Violet. We only have a couple weeks until winter break and that means we have to talk about a few things." Clem said.

"Does the few things involve a pillow or a bed?" Violet asked.

"Just get up and get ready for school." Clem said as she began chuckling at the blonde's laziness and silly attitude. Violet slowly raised out of bed and her hair was a complete mess. Strands of hair were pointing in many different directions, (imagine Goku's hair), causing Clem to fall onto the floor and into a fit of laughter.

"Clem...what's so funny?" Violet asked with a blank expression on her face.

"Your...hair...I can't breathe...!" Clem said as she began holding her sides. Violet didn't know what she meant until she looked into the mirror and realized her predicament.

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