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The two watched Minerva walk across the cafeteria. She was followed by one of the kids she was with at the Mcdonalds.

"Gabe..." Violet said. Clem put her hand on Violet's shoulder, hoping to calm her down.

"I'm ok Clem. Thanks." Violet said.

"Let's just ignore those two. They ain't shit to us." Clem said as Violet cracked a smile. They sat and talked a little bit until Minerva and Gabe came out of line. Gabe slyly waved at Violet, who Clem could sense that her blood was beginning to boil. Lee walked over and smiled.

"Hey girls, how are you?" Lee asked.

"I'm good." Clem said. Violet gave Minerva a death glare, to which Lee caught on.

"Violet, do you know that girl?" Lee asked.

"Unfortunately." Violet said, not breaking her glare on the redhead.

"Come with me Violet. We can talk about this in my office." Lee said as Clem watched on. Violet started to think she was in trouble, but that was quickly shut down by Lee.

"Violet, you're not in trouble. I just wanna talk." Lee said as Violet stood up and they walked out. It was at this moment Minerva and Gabe got up and walked over to Clem, sitting across from her.

"Hello..." Clem said, trying not to cause problems.

"Hello." Gabe said.

"You're Clementine right?" Minerva asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Clem asked.

"Just settling in, trying to make new friends." Minerva said, shining a shit-eating grin. Clem knew she was lying.

"Uh huh." Clem said.

"Violet seems to be close to you." Minerva said as Clem stared her straight in the eyes.

"What about it?" Clem asked.

"Oh nothing. It's cute that she's with someone else now. Honestly I wasn't sure if she was over me yet knowing her." Minerva said with a devilish smile on her face.

"Me and Violet aren't together for your information Minerva. Now would you kindly leave me alone." Clem said. Minerva scowls and walks away along with Gabe.

"What did she mean? Why did she think that me and her were together?" Clem thought to herself. She shrugged away those thoughts and stood up to walk to her first class.


"Please take a seat Violet." Lee said, reaching out his hand, signalling the chair he wanted her to sit in. Violet took a seat and smiled.

"Alright Violet, I've already contacted your first period teachet and told them that I have you in my office so you'll be excused from that class for today. Now like I said, you're not in any trouble whatsoever. I just want to know about that girl you were staring at in there." Lee said.

Violet sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Well, I went to her old school. We were together for a bit, but then she threw me to the side. Why is she here?" Violet asked.

"Well I can't tell you the reason for confidentiality reasons but she has a lot going on mentally. That's all I'm allowed to say Violet. I'm sorry." Lee said.

"I understand Mr. Everett." Violet said as she began to get lost in thought, pondering as to what she possibly could have done.

"Please, call me Lee. You and Clem are becoming closer by the looks of it." Lee said.

"Yeah, I guess we are." Violet said as she started to smile, thinking of the brunette.

"Violet, I've seen that look before. You have feelings for her, don't you?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Violet asked.

"Everyone was young at one point in life. That look on your face when Clem is mentioned or when she's around. Maybe you should tell her how you feel." Lee said.

"I don't know Lee. Would she even be up for it. I mean look at her and look at me." Violet said as she began frowning and looking at the floor.

"Violet look at me." Lee said as Violet slowly raised her head up and looked at him.

"You mean a lot to Clem. Everyone can see it from a mile away. Honestly the way I see it, she feels the same for you. I've heard of the things that's happened to you since you arrived here, but I also know Clem hasn't left your side once. Violet, if there's anyone I want my Clementine with, it would be you. I know you'll take care of her, as she does the same for you. You have my support for this, you both do." Lee said as he gave Violet a smile.

"You really think she cares about me in that way." Violet asked as a smile began to creep up on her face.

"No I don't think that at all." Lee said, causing Violet's smile to fall.

"I know she does." Lee said, bringing that smile from Violet back.

"Thanks Lee." Violet said as she stood up.

"Here Violet, this is my home phone number and cell phone number, if you or Clem need anything, don't hesitate to give me a call." Lee said as he scribbled on a piece of paper. He handed it to Violet who smiled and stuffed it in her pocket.

"Thank you again Lee. I really appreciate it." Violet said as she walked to the door and walked out. She was relieved and excited. Lee was supportive of what she wanted to do, and Clem possibly could like her back. Violet was ecstatic. She wanted to bounce off the walls. She was nervous, but now she has more confidence going into it.


Clem was waiting for the bell to ring for what felt like hours. Finally it rang and Clem jumped and ran out. She went by Lee's office and caught to Violet.

"Hey, what did he want to talk to you about?" Clem asked. Violet smiled and looked at her.

"He just wanted to know about Minerva. We talked about some other stuff too but it was a good talk. I guess you can say I feel a lot better now." Violet said as they walked to their next class.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, I usually tend to make it 1500+ words but I'm really happy with how this one turned out and for pacing reasons, I might stick to the around 1000 words number for now on. It's easier on me to write chapters more often and without trying too hard or cramming too much into one chapter. I hope you enjoy! Have a great day/night depending on whenever you're reading this.

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