weeding day

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Ray-Ban pov
Today my mommy and daddy are going to get married and they choose a country type wedding and it's so cool like daddy and mommy. As I walked around there was a bunch of country stuff and then all the guest came so I went to where I was supposed to go and I did that

3rd person pov
It's been some time and everything and one was ready so the flower girl, bridesmaid walked down first then the bride which was Tom and as he walked Tord couldn't help but get a nose bleed by how tight the dress was on him, once the bride got to his place the person said stuff they said their vows and I do, they finally kissed and everyone clapped as they did so but Ray-Ban looked away like a normally little kid would do when they see their parents kiss. After the wedding they had an after party in a barn and everyone was talking until it was time for the dace so every stopped which made it more awkward but they still did the dance and after that everyone started to dance with them, overall it was a good time

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