Reunion and Confusion

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The boys followed Zara out of the hotel. They had to hop back on the monorail to be taken to Main Street. The beach is what seperated the hotels from Main Street. It was connected to the Mosasaur Arena by a giant fencing. Main Street was decorated in little shops, prehistoric skeletons and restaurants such as Fossil, Starbucks, Gift shops, an Arcade and of course Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville with the Samsung innovation Center as the crown jewel sporting a pyramid design. It was inspired by the original Jurassic Park visitors center. Jonny looked in awe over the whole park. Gray was tearing up right next to him.
Gray sprinted down the steps of the monorail to get to Main Street. "Let's Go!!" He waved as he ran through the crowd. Jonny, Zach and Zara did their best to keep up with the boy. "Slow Down!" Zara called. "That's not gonna happen" Zach snorted. "Now I have an idea of how the cops feel everytime they chased me" Jonny joked. Zach had to laugh at that one. Gray climbed up the steps of the Samsung Innovation Center and waved impatiently at the rest of the group. "Dude. Chill" Zach stammered answering a text. The brothers pushed open the doors to the building. It was the definition of a science miracle. There was a giant hologram of a Sauropod, a Hologram of the island and where to find different creatures, a huge fossil dig that the kids enjoyed, a seating area where kids could get a small documentary on how the original dinosaurs met their fate and so much more.
Zach looked around. His brother was nowhere to be found. His heart dropped for a split second. Then he spotted him. Gray ran over to a game and started hitting some buttons. "Cytosine, guanine, adenine, thiamine. Same 4 things in everything that ever lived!" The boy cheered. "Don't Wander off. Moms not paying me for babysitting." Zach said sourly. "She's not paying you at all" Jonny retorted.          Gray's attention changed sharply. It was towards a woman who looked about 30 years old wearing a clean crisp white blouse and skirt. She was a redhead with the finest cut bob he had ever seen. "Aunt Claire!!" Gray called. "Hi!!!" She said In the sweetest voice. Gray hugged her tight. Zach and Jonny walked over to her. "You're so sweet" she said to Gray. "Woah. Zach" she began as she looked up at the teenager. "Last time i saw you you were like" she said putting her hand at chest level. Zach didn't look amused. "That was like what? 3, 4 years ago?" She asked. "Uh 7. 7 years but yanno, close" Zach spat venomously. She could tell he was mad. Her attention shot quickly over to Jonny. "I don't believe I know you" she said softly reaching out her hand. "I'm Jonny Levine, his bestfriend" the teen replied shaking her hand back. "Well I see you have your wristbands. This is for food" she stated handing an enclosed envelope to Gray. "And Zara here will take great care of you until I'm done working tonight, okay?" Gray's puppy dog eyes popped out. "You're not coming with us?" He asked. Claire sighed. "I really wish that I could but-" She was cut off by looking at Zach who started rolling his eyes. Jonny nudged him quickly. "Tomorrow i can take you into the Control Room. Show you behind the scenes. Which that's pretty cool, right?" She asked trying to get his excitement back. Her phone rang attentively. "Okay so i will see you at... 6?" She asked while rummaging through her mental schedule. "No-no don't forget you have that-" Zara cut in. "Oh that's right of course. So I will see you tonight at 8? What time do you go to sleep? Or do you go to sleep at different times?" Gray turned to look at Zach.
Claire's phone rang again. Jonny shot a look at Zach. He was getting mad. "Okay so have fun! And take very good care of them" She reminded Zara with a smile as she walked away. "Okay so the closest exhibit-" Zara began as she got cut off. "We'll figure it out" Zach said rudely. "Shut it Zanex" Jonny whispered. Gray followed the 2 teens to the map. Jonny pulled Zach to the side.
"Of course she's too busy for us right now. I should've known" Zach said in a hurt tone. "Everything is gonna be fine. She just has a lot of things going on it probably was on accident. She's a buisness woman and at a place like this I'm sure things can pop up out of nowhere. I'm positive she would rather be with you guys more than anything right now and she definitely feels bad about the past. Even at the shop we have certain things that pop up that we have to take care of. But we figure it out and make it work. If she doesn't show up later tonight then screw her. Then I'll tell you that you're right. For now let's just enjoy ourselves and see where it goes" Jonny said trying to cheer him up. He turned back around to help Gray figure out the map.
Zach started getting a weird tingly feeling. "Does Jonny like me?" He thought to himself. Jonny would always look for a way to calm him down when he was upset. The way Jonny would look at him sort of gave a hint or two. Zach was confused. "Is he even gay? Maybe bi?" He thought. Zach had a couple dudes have a crush on him in his lifetime but they were just weird and made Zach uncomfortable. However, Jonny was different. There was this badass independence that Jonny had that was so intriguing to Zach. 20% Angel, 80% Devil. "I can't like him back though that would be so awkward" Zach thought to himself. Zach had never been with a guy. He felt that his bestfriend would be different though. "Get over it Zach it's just a feeling. It'll go away" he tried to convince himself. But soon, he found his mind slowly getting taken over by the thought of something new.

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