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Once upon a time, the world was a desolate place. Dark people, also known as the Cimmerian, influenced others to fight for land, money, and honor through war and deceit. Many people died and cities became grounds for the homeless and sick. Out of this dark time came thirteen "prophets," people who possessed magic said to be a blessing from God. Each prophet held their own special type of magic; some seemingly powerful and others seemingly weak. Together, these prophets drove the darkness from the hearts of the populace and vanquished the Cimmerian. They created the Ataraxis, a council consisting of the thirteen prophets and the leaders of the kingdom, to keep order between all people and to wipe out all threats to the peace they had created.

Time passed and peace and prosperity were found as the population regenerated. The Ataraxis dealt with a few threats, but none so far reaching as to be troublesome. However, the prophets were growing old and many were afraid they were dying. In order to help to continue the era of peace and prosperity, each of the prophets chose an heir to their seat on the Ataraxis. To their heirs, the prophets passed on their own particular type of magic as well as a scroll holding the journals of the prophets holding the position before them. In the next few years, the heirs were chosen and introduced before the Ataraxis to be trained in the magical arts before their masters passed on. The heirs were trained and each took their place once their master had left their mortal bodies. However, the spirits of the original masters lingered watching the state of the world from above the council hall.

This cycle continued for several generations until the new heir for the first prophet, a young man by the name of Arcane, became corrupted by the Cimmerian before taking his place on the Ataraxis. The current prophets were not able to see the corruption in his heart; however, the thirteenth prophet had a hidden ability kept secret to the rest of the Ataraxis. They could see the lines of the future and decipher the most probable outcome from those lines. The new heir to the thirteenth prophet, a young woman named Dawn, saw through the façade of the corrupted heir and was able to see a fate worse than what had already passed. Hoping to keep the future from becoming the present, she petitioned the Ataraxis to let her lead them to a better future. The majority refused, saying the power to rule should belong to more than just one person, although many were becoming corrupted as well planning to later take the power for themselves. The thirteenth heir pleaded for them to reconsider but was turned out of the council. Two of the other prophet heirs, numbers three and seven, believed the truth of the thirteenth's words so once they heard of the plot the remaining heirs to kill the young thirteenth heir, they quickly stole away from the ruling city and hid from the Ataraxis.

Searching manically, the remaining prophets scoured the country for the hidden heirs. When they were unable to find them, they released a story condemning the third, seventh, and thirteenth heirs as rogues bent on destroying the normal way of life. By that point, the rogue heirs had already split up and integrated themselves into society, keeping their true powers a secret from those around them. The remaining ten heirs made a pact to keep the true reason behind the disappearance of the three heirs and altered the history of the Ataraxis to remove the missing prophets, citing that they had died in battle and not chosen any heirs. The remaining three heirs recorded the true account of what happened that day into their scrolls and then disguised them to try to keep their true identities hidden for the longest amount of time possible. The thirteenth heir also wrote of the future she had glimpsed in a brief moment of clarity.

Twenty years passed and in that time, the Ataraxis became overcome with greed and darkened hearts. The country once again fell to the Cimmerian, but this time they came from the inside of the country and spread out. Arcane, the newly inducted first prophet, forced the Ataraxis to disband with all the remaining prophets becoming his advisors and generals in battle unless they wanted to perish with their heir taking over to follow him. With this, the council members were forced into realizing that the thirteenth member's prediction had been true. The only hope they had was that the thirteenth prophet would foresee another future, one of peace and prosperity that she or her heirs would act upon. Until then, they decided to stay quiet and follow Arcane and the Cimmerian until the next thirteenth prophet would lead a revolution and call them to action.

A/N: Hey guys so I've been working my butt off and figured since y'all are following me you get the bonus chapter that started the whole idea of this going. Almost done with chapter 13 so stayed tuned.
This had been K. Catch ya later!

The Thirteenth's LegacyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora