wish u werent gay; aquaria

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yes, its wish you werent gay😂 any billie stans? oh yeah and i checked my statistics and uh oY MGA PILIPINO- lmaoao anyways its wish you weren't gay bc duh hes already gay (i know, cri) and kinda inspired by aquatisha!! luv u sis oKAY lets get right to the story folks :3

drag status: both

theme: heartache, breakup

song: wish you were gay by Billie Eilish


Second Person

You loved Giovanni more than possibly anything in this world. You always wanted the best for him, even if it meant that you would get the worst. When he had a real smile on, it always made you so happy. He was the one that mattered most to you. If he ever had lost interest in you, you probably would've given up on everything. Depression might kick in. But whenever he's happy, you're happy.

Lately, Giovanni has been... distant. Ever since after his tour. Werq the World Tour. He never answered your calls in the morning, noon, or even night. But only on the most unholiest of hours. You would ask why he was still up and awake. He told you that they've been practicing for the entire day, but in reality.. he was trying to distance the both of you. Your mind stuck with the fact that he wasn't cheating and that he was really just practicing. Because he would never cheat on you... right?

First Person

I was the vice president of my dad's company so I had work today. I had the urge to call Giovanni but I looked at the time, it was 9 A.M. here so it should be somewhere around 3 P.M. in Milan. Where he is right now. At the time I didn't want to bother him so I just texted him instead.


hey g, im just checking on you. i hope you're doing well bb! luv you💕

To my surprise, he texted me immediately.


I'm fine Y/N.

Sorry actually gotta go right now. Bye!


ttyl bb💖 call when you're free!


I was actually pretty sad that he didn't have enough time to talk. But even more sad that he didn't say 'I love you' or anything of such. But nonetheless still happy he texted back. I then closed my phone and continued to work.

I took a small break from work and decided to go on Instagram and scroll through some of the stories and my feed. I went on the Werq the World Instagram page to see if you were on their story. I clicked on their story and saw a video. Out of curiosity, I clicked it. It was a video of WTW tour from someone who attended. The video started. It was the ending of the entire show and everyone was lined up on the stage, including backup dancers. I was happy to see her smiling, and holding hands with the girls. Everyone scattered around the stage and started hugging each other. Aquaria walked up to a backup dancer, but instead of hugging, the backup dancer grabbed her face and kissed her. Tears formed at my eyes. Was this actually happening? Did she actually kiss him? Aquaria gave him a smirk and went on to the other girls. I finally read the caption. And my heart dropped.


I didn't even know I was crying until I saw a tear drop on my phone. I bit my lip hard and closed my eyes. I became brave enough and I started to read the comments.

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