Randomly Un-Ruly

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Remember when I said yesterday that the upside to being a writer is that you get to play with imaginary people... in your head even? The downside is once you start writing, you have to stick to a certain path unless you want to rip it apart and start over--and I don't. Yeah, anyway, SMALL TOWN NEWS is another incarnation of this. 

Did anyone watch The Voice last night? Specifically, the part where Adam Levine was talking about not fitting into a box and being a rule breaker? Yeah, he was speaking to me, so maybe you didn't. ;-)

My bread and butter is Small Town Drama and Big Families...In case that wasn't obvious LOL

I can't write billionaires*, I can't write Presents-y type romances with uber-Alpha males* (who I would probably kill in real life), I can't write about 20-somethings in college* and in love (I am the mother of 20-somethings and they are a PITA), but I can write Small Town Drama. I can write the sh&t out of some Small Town Drama.  I even have another four-book series all sorta planned. Besides this one ... and the Bluebonnet books ... and the Montana books for Jessa's brothers. I can also write mainstream fiction (yes set in a small town :D), paranormal (six books plotted and planned) and dystopian/sci-fi (two series at least three books each...someday). But I can't write millionaries or billionaires. Go figure!!! 

The point is, write what you love, what interests you. There are no rules. Ten years ago there was a silly rule about not writing heroes in bands/musicians. You know why? Becuase they didn't sell. Except they are selling. Ignore the rules. Screw the rules. Write what you love. Write what makes you happy. Write just to write (this is much harder than it sounds). Block out all the noise and chatter and social media and ... yes, rules. 

Except for grammar and punctuation. Don't break those rules. Sorry rule-breakers! 


*FYI I do not hate the above mentioned types of stories, nor am I making fun of them. I cut my teeth on historical bodice rippers (30 some-odd years ago) and harlequin presents.  I just can't write them. It's not what I hear in my head. 

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