T W E N T Y - O N E

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~ ❤ ~

Osoro enters the gym with his bag hanging beside him. He eyed the place to find his partner, Aso, who used to come to the place to practice but didn't seen the sight of the boy. He went into another room to hear a few punches sound resonates the room as he glanced to see a familiar girl with H/C hair and E/C eyes.

You punched the punching bag and sweats covered up your body. You stopped and starting to collect some oxygen for your body. Osoro drops his bag and coughed loudly, making you turned around and smile.

"I've never seen you come here before," you told the boy and grabbed your small training towel. He looks at you, eyeing up and down on your figure and looks away with a red blush.

"Good eye, mate. Unfortunately, my eyes are up here," you grabbed your water bottle and drank it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. "Training, of course," you responded as you wiped your mouth. "It's quite dead here. Not much people are around so I thought hitting the gym will take mind off of things," you added.

"Really? But why training all of the sudden?"

"To kick your ass of course," you smirked and crosses your arms. He responded with his famous smirk back and eyes the ring. "Wanna go one-on-one?"

"You might watch your back, hon. I'll beat you in 10 seconds," you let your pride took over as he smiles. "Not if I could take you down in 5."

"Deal!" you both shakes hands and went towards the boxing ring. He uses the boxing gloves as you just wrapped your hands with white cloth. "This looks so unfair," he commented but you shrugged him off. "Don't underestimate a lady. They're capable of anything and everything, you know," Aso came in with his arms crossed leaning against the pillar on the corner of the ring.

"Listen to your friend there," you smirked as you get ready.

"Winner gets whatever they want," Osoro drops his boxing gloves as he cracked his knuckles. "Sure thing," you responded as Aso lead as the host. "Just so you know, I won't go easy on you," Osoro smile. "Likewise," you smirked.

"Ready? 3... 2... 1... FIGHT!"

You dodge his hand that tried to punch you on the face. His eyes went wide when you move out quickly from under his hand as punched his side. He stumbled and you sneaked up behind him and kicked his back, making him fall.

"3... 2... 1... Y/N wins!" Aso cheered and high five you. "Damn you're tough," Osoro got up as you smile. "5 seconds, hmm? A new record for me."

"I can't believe Y/N beat up Osoro!" Aso still on his fanboy mode as you laughed. "Where did you learn to fight?" Osoro asked you as you looked at him and answered the most useable answer. "The internet."

He went uninterested when he knew as you laughed. "Of course not. Aso has been nice to teach me a few lessons on self defenses."

"Now then, the winner gets whatever they want, right?" Osoro nodded, feeling a few nervous sweat.

You thought about it and nodded. "I want you to go hiking with me."

The two boys shared a confused look and Aso asked, "Hiking?". You nodded your head and pointed at Aso. "You're joining as well."

They both shrugged and nodded which you tell them that you'll text them the details. You went off to walk home as they looked at each other and shrugged.

~ ❤ ~

After a few minutes of dressing up and stuffing things in your bag, you texted the people you invited towards the beach. You went outside and grabbed your car keys as you noticed Luke beside your car.

Sudden Changes [Yandere Simulator x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now