End Note

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Hello everyone!

It's been 2 to 3 years journey of this book, but now it has come an end.

Thank you for those who had stayed for so long and those newcomers <3 I really appreciate your reads, votes and all your comments. May they be good ones, clowning ones lmao, or even critics (in which I accept it as I too see the fault in my writings and plot).

It is unbelievable that this book reaches 300k reads! And who knows how many count more will this book reach <3

There are a few things I like to address though.

I love and very appreciate those who notices the faults of this book as it not only make me realized the mistake I made in this book, but also to improve my writing more.

And I would like to apologize if this book may offend you in any way, may it be by my own self, or the writing written in the book. But once again, thank you for staying tune to reading this.

I may edit a few things, but I won't edit most of them.

Know that this book was written by an inexperienced girl who wrote for fun and joy for herself. I realized there must be mistakes written in this book but I won't be able to edit them all. I can offer you my humble apology over all the mistakes written in the past.

Anyways, thank you <3

I'm sure there are so many questions within this book that are unanswered, but I can't really provide you with a solid answer as the original plan and plot were discarded by me when I quit the fandom.

It has been an honor to go through this journey with all of you!

Anyways, see you all in my other books <3

'till we meet again :D



You guys can enjoy the extra chapters below this one. Anyways, love you all and thank you <3

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