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Hearing a song, images of you flood my mind.
So fragile, both mentally and physically.
At the time I couldn't love you,
Not in the way you craved.
Not in the way you so clearly deserved.
My mind was focused on different things.
Feeling like a caged bird, I was desperate to be free.
Life outside those red and green walls awaited me.
My dreams too big, my hopes too high. I saw nothing but my future.
Unfortunately for you, my future didn't include you.
The overwhelming weight you placed on me was too much to handle.
I couldn't live up to your expectations.
The love you gave me, I couldn't return.
In reality, I couldn't stand being the center of your universe.
So I made promises that I didn't live up to.
Now, I'm regretting my decisions. I sit here wondering how you are doing.
Did you make it out? Are you still breathing? Have you found someone worthy of your love?
I think about you sometimes, and my only wish is that you're okay.
Because I did love you, and I still love you.
But just as before, I only love you as a friend. And we both know that'll never be enough.

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