I am free

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I sat back watching the flames grow.
The heat warming my cold skin and broken spirits.
The cage I once held myself in, slowly turning to ash.
Once the home for my heart, guarded and locked.
Forbidding any entry in order to protect me from pain and sorrow.
Little did I know, there's so much more than that.
You've opened my eyes when you opened the cage.
You held my heart with tenderness and love.
You've shown me what life can be like outside this cage.
I watched as you gently placed my heart on the floor, and walked away.
You're gone now, so I'll just pick up my heart and treat it with the same tenderness and love you did.
Except I will stay. I will not give up on myself like you did.
I will not be confined to that cage anymore.
I am free.

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