Imagine Nation: Roc Royal Take 3

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*sorry I haven't been posting nothing just some personal stuff happening but yea I'll restart putting more up more p.s. I know that didn't make since but u should know what I mean*


You and roc were together for some years now and been making love a lot lately. But for some weird reason you felt sick so you were throwing up.

Roc: baby are you okay *holding your hair up*

You: yea I'm fin-- (gco) *throws up* I just need some time alone ok?

Roc: okay

Later in the week you find out that you are pregnant and our trying to find a way to tell roc.

So you make a great dinner for him and THEN you were gonna tell him. So you made his favorite dinner and put on the tightest cutest dress you can find and your red bottom heels on and waited for you man to arrive.

He finally arrived and walked in the door and awe.

Roc: Damn Y/N you did all this for me *pulling you close*

You: yea I thought it would be nice to show you how much I really love you *pecked him on the lips*

Roc: ok let's eat ;) *smacks your butt*

You giggle cause you are hoping he will be happy with the news.

As you guys are eating and roc is drinking wine and you drinking water barely touching your food.

Roc: Baby what's wrong your not eating

You just smile but inside you are freaking out

You: ummmmm.... Baby?

Roc: *mouth full* hmmm....

You: there's ummm.... Something I need to tell you... On a serious note

Roc: oh? Ok babe what's up?

You: ummmm the last time we did it did you use a ummmm.... Condom?

Roc: dropped his fork* ummmm I don't remember why?

You: because..... Ummmmm.... I... Ummmmm

Roc: Spit it out what?!

You: IM PREGNANT! *u looked up at him*


You: huh? It's yours duh

Roc got up out his seat running up the stairs. You sit there wondering what's happening. He comes down in suit cases

You: ummmm where you going?


he open the door and take out the bags and bring them outside. Then runs back in and takes the plate of food.

Roc: thanks for the food tho!

And leaves.

*i thought I try a funny one I haven't really done a funny one so here it is. I need some feedback let me know how I'm doing I'll keep making more if yall comment and let me know how I'm doing so COMMENT AND VOTE AND SHARE*

Imagine Nation: Roc RoyalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora