Chapter 3

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The afternoon was going better than expected for Jeongin. Thankfully the vocal lesson so far was pretty easy since he'd already done most of his recordings, meaning it was only a matter of practicing and perfecting his voice.

Could he say he was no longer ill? No. But could he say he was feeling a little bit better than he had that morning? Yes. Well... that was until a break was called and Jisung decided to be a good friends and randomly jump on his back, causing a sharp pain to travel up his side just like earlier. Unaware of his maknaes discomfort, Jisung proceeded to place an overdramatic sloppy kiss right on Jeongin's cheek, causing the younger to groan in disgust (and slight pain) as he wiped the residue off his face with his sleeve.

"Hyung," Jeongin groaned, not feeling up to his hyungs antics today.

"What?" Jisung asked innocently, still hanging off Jeongin, "can a hyung not show some love for his adorable maknae?"

"Hey!" was suddenly shouted from across the room as Hyunjin walked over to them, Minho in tow, "why do you get him all to yourself? He's our maknae too," he said with a small, playful pout on his lips.

"Nope, all mine," Jisung stated, hugging Jeongin closer to himself, his pout giving Hyunjin's a run for its money.

"But I want him," Minho whined, speaking up as he wrapped his arms around Jeongin's left side as if he were claiming his territory. Usually Jeongin loved his hyungs attention, able to get it any time he wanted - especially as the maknae. Today though, he wished they'd just leave him alone, especially since their arms seemed to be putting extra pressure around his right side as they hugged him. Coincidently, the side he felt he was being stabbed on.

The last straw was when Hyungin suddenly jumped onto his right side, wrapping his arms tightly around the smaller boy and pulling him towards himself playfully. They normally did this sort of thing so it shouldn't be that big of a deal, well, at least not for the others it wasn't. But for Jeongin, that's when the pain started to get remarkably worse.

Quickly, he pushed his hyungs off him, wincing in pain at the quick movements. He couldn't help it though, he needed out of there, feeling claustrophobic with someone each side of him along with the severe pain he was now facing.

As soon as he was free, he stumbled to his feet, swaying slightly.

"Yah!" Jisung shouted as he fell back onto the floor, thinking Jeongin had pushed them away disrespectfully, "get your attitude sort..." he started but trailed off as he finally looked at Jeongin's sickly, swaying figure.

"Jeongin, are you okay?" Minho asked gently, placing a careful hand onto the youngers shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I'll be fine," he replied by mumbling as if he were trying to reassuring himself, brushing off Minho's hand at the same time.

The whole scene had attracted the attention of the other hyungs who'd been watching it play out from afar, too confused at what they were watching to do anything. That was until Jeongin let out a pained scream through his teeth and doubled over, his arms wrapping around his stomach.

Immediately, everyone in the room were on their feet. Minho, being the closest having already ran to his side, trying to gently walk him over to the sofa. However, this failed when Jeongin suddenly collapsed to the ground, no longer conscious.

"Jeongin!" Chan shrieked as he ran over to the younger and kneeled down, placing the maknaes head on his lap. Changbin and Felix not far behind, each of them reaching for one of Jeongin's hands as they tried desperately to gently wake him, the rest all crowding around worriedly.

"I'm calling an ambulance," Woojin announced, worry and fear lacing his tone as he quickly pulled out his phone, his hands shaking as he typed in the numbers.

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