Chapter 1

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Jeongin woke suddenly to a pain unlike he'd ever felt before in his side. Groaning at the unbearable stabbing pain, he lay on his back, unable to get up as he wrapped one of his arms around the lower right side of his abdomen where the pain was coming from.

"What the heck?" he thought to himself as the pain finally started to fade after what felt like hours but had probably only been a few minutes. Reaching for his phone from under his pillow and bringing it out, he blinked blearily at the bright screen in front of him. After a few seconds of squinting at the bright glare, he was finally able to read the large numbers in the middle of his screen as 03:00. Groaning slightly, he managed to carefully manoeuvre himself into a sitting position before slipping out of bed.

As soon as he stood up his legs gave way slightly, causing him to sit back down on his bed again to regain his balance. After taking a few deep breaths, Jeongin finally decided to try again, this time being successful and managing to make his way carefully to the door on the other side of his room. He crept as quietly as he could, considering he was still in slight pain and limping a little, careful to not wake any of his hyungs.

As soon as Jeongin reached the bathroom he sighed in relief, carefully perching himself on the edge of the bath tub. The past few weeks he'd been having random bursts of pain in his stomach and side, but tonight was way worse than he'd ever experienced before. Usually it was just a dull ache that he could simply pass off as hunger since he'd recently lost his apatite, but tonight it had felt as if someone was violently stabbing him with a blunt knife.

Groaning slightly, he hoisted himself up, a hand on either side of the sink as it took the majority of his weight. As soon as he looked into the mirror, Jeongin cringed. Staring back at him was a sickly looking boy with dark eye bags and greyish skin, looking like death was on his way. He stood like that for a while, trying to get rid of the now pounding headache he had acquired when suddenly a strong wave of nausea hit him, causing him to fall to his knees in front of the toilet and empty out what little food was in his stomach.

After a while of dry heaving he finally stopped, his stomach realising that there was nothing left to rid itself off. Typically, as soon as the vomiting stopped the head ache and side pain came back, only this time both much more prominent and sharper.

Time passed by painfully slow as Jeongin miserably slumped against the bathroom wall, his eyes sealed shut to fend of the bright light with the only purpose of making his headache worse. Thankfully his hyungs were too tired from their busy schedules to be woken up easily and were all still fast asleep, blissfully unaware of the pain their maknae was going through.

Trying to breath through the pain, Jeongin made every breath slow, deep and even. Eventually the pain in his side subsided, leaving only the headache which he figured he'd be able to just sleep off.

Slowly and carefully, not wanting to make the pain in his head or side worse, Jeongin stood up and flushed the toilet of any evidence of the events that had taken place that night. He made his way to the light switch with both eyes still sealed shut, not wanting to end up kneeling in front of the toilet again. Using muscle memory he was able to make his way towards the light switch and flick it off. As soon as the light went off he carefully peeled open his eyes to the darkness of the dorm. By trailing his hand along the wall he was able to reach his room door in the darkness.

Carefully, Jeongin turned the door handle and cracked open the door, cringing each time a creek would come from the unoiled hinges. As soon as the door was open wide enough, Jeongin slid into the room a few of his sleeping hyungs were currently occupying. As fast and as quietly as he could considering he was in pain and extremely tired, he made his way past his hyungs and finally into his bed. Thanking god his bed was on the lower bunk, he slid into the messy bundle of covers he'd left, bring them over himself as he felt a sudden wave of coldness hit. Despite being knackered, it took Jeongin another uncomfortable and slightly painful hour before finally being invited into the land of nod.


Moring came all too soon for Jeongin who was shaken awake playfully by one of his hyungs he swore was trying to meet an early death. Groaning, he cracked open his eyes before quickly bringing a hand up to block the piercing rays of sun light.

"Finally! I thought you'd never wake up," Seungmin laughed as he stopped shaking Jeongin after seeing his eyes open, "good thing we don't have practice until the afternoon or you'd be screwed."

Groaning, Jeongin rolled his head over to check the time on his phone before groaning again. It was already 13:24.

"Are you okay?" Seungmin suddenly asked worriedly when Jeongin didn't playfully talk back or push him away like he normally would when someone woke him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," was all he got as a reply as Jeongin ran a hand through his hair tiredly as he sat up before continuing, "I'm going to get ready now." As soon as he stood up the same thing from the night before happened and he stumbled slightly, caught off guard from his sudden lack of coordination. Instantly, he could feel a mild headache coming on as he stabilised himself against the frame of the bunkbed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Seungmin asked again, only this time more worry and concern laced his words, the tone sounding foreign with his usual happy and carefree voice. Placing a hand carefully on Jeongin's shoulder, he went to lead him back to his bed before Jeongin suddenly pushed him away, rubbing his head with an annoyed look on his face as more pain took over, caused from the talking.

"I told you I'm fine," he snapped before quickly making his way out of the room, leaving Seungmin standing alone in shock. A few seconds later the slam of the bathroom door was heard echoing throughout the dorm.


Hi! So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Like all my other fanfictions this will also be posted to my ao3 account where I go under the name worldwideawesome. It would mean a lot if you could also support me there!
I've already started a new chapter so it should be out soon. Hope you enjoyed!

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