The trial

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The next day they woke up to crying. It was a fairy who was scrunched up into a ball sobbing into her knees. Everyone got out of their sleeping bags and went to the fairy. "Hello," Rebecca said very softly. "Hi" The fairy said between sniffles. "What's wrong?" Emma said softly but concerned. "Trials," the fairy said very tense. "What trials?" Jason asked. "I accidentally turned a Fairy's wings into leaves but I turned it back immediately" the fairy said. Dong! "the bells the trial" the fairy said. "Would you like us to come?" Jake asked, the fairy nodded. When they got to the trail room they stopped. "Trixy you have used magic on another fairy and now you must to be punished. Tell us your story" a fairy said. "I was going to my mushroom when xanthosis appeared, he called me names and ripped my wing on purpose," she said pointing to her Ripped wing, "I screamed and he pushed me I tripped on a rock and turned his wings into leaves. Immediately I turned them back" trix explained. "Just as I thought, you used to Magic against another fairy your punishment is all magic is taken away, you will be cast out and you shall become a slave" the court said. "Wait you're going to punish her for a mistake?! you Fairys are sick! do you even think of how horrible you make Fairys lives because they made mistakes! I thought fairys were good and loving not cruel and horrible! fairytales are wrong, you only care about power, have a heart!" Emma yelled. The ferries looked offended "and who exactly do you think you are one" the fairies demanded. "I'm Emma Smith one of the people in the great legend, I control fire and I think what you're doing is sick" Emma said boldly. "The L... legend, if we don't make her miserable what do we do?" the main fairy asked. "You don't hurt them you teach them a lesson like take away her Magic for a day". The main fairies said "Maggie Mago Sufre Manto". The main fairies said "trix's magic will be gone for a day is there anything we could repay you?". "Yes two things one we need to get to the shifting Maze and second do you know of an underground parts here?" they asked. "Yes we can get you to be shifting maze and ogre woods, In ogre woods there is a mountain called Devil mountain, there is an underground kingdom but we highly recommend not going there" they said. "Could you send us to the outside of the maze? they asked the fairies. "But of course" and with a quick wave of the hand the six were outside the maze. "Okay good luck Jake" they told Jake. Holding his breath Jake walked in as soon as he walked in he was already lost. "It's like the labyrinth" he thought then he thought "then where's the Minotaur? Oh my gosh I'm so stupid! I control nature he said and touched a bush suddenly the exit appeared Jake ran towards it but it disappeared. Confused Jake looked around frantically. On one of the bushes it read you Can't cheat your way out. Jake thought, "this is an an enchanted maze where would the magic piece Be?" then he gasped of course! the heart! he ran and tried his hardest to concentrate then Jake rammed into a chest it was wooden and carved beautifully it had a lock made of diamond and it said could only be opened by Opal then Jake created an Opel key and unlocked it inside the chest was as a thorny purple branch it was twisted gnarled and had massive thorns that could pierce anything. "I've waited a long time for this" a loud dark voice boomed. "Who is there Jake demanded. "I'm finally going to prove them wrong" the voice said and then appeared out of the shadows. It was a giant snake. "They always said the hero will defeat the monster! they're wrong the monster defeats the hero" the snake said and lunged at Jake, hissing the snakes struck again. "I was once like you ,a young boy. I had a crush on a girl" the snake hissed then Jake thought of Rebecca and stiffened up. "She hurt me, upset I went to a sorcerer and told him everything he said he could turn me into a monster to get revenge I agreed and went to the village I killed her and her family but then the villagers trapped me here and said a hero would destroy me but it's the other way around" the serpent said and lunged at Jake. "Run little hero but there's no way out" he said. This time when the snake longed, Jake just turned around and yelled. Suddenly a wall of dirt came in between them when the snake touched it he turned into a Daisy. jake kept on running taking right and left then he saw an opening when he got out he landed at a beach full of ghosts. "Thank you for killing the monster" they said and that's when he realized the snake killed more than the family it killed the whole village, suddenly a village appeared and the ghosts became human "come, your friends are over here" one of the people said. "Guys I got the piece" Jake said "It's getting dark we'll let you stay at our town in the mansion" one of the people said. "Yes they could stay with us. I'm Princess Amber" a girl with a crown exclaimed. "Thank you you're very generous" they said. When they got to the mansion Amber gave them a tour, then bells rang. "Dinners ready" Amber said. When they got to the dining room they saw a huge feast. Everything was there after the meal Amber led them to the bathrooms, the girls took a bubble bath and the boys took a shower. When they were done they went to a lake and took a dip. When they were done it was Nighttime and billions of stars were out. "I want to show you something" Amber said pulling them towards a small cave and inside the cave were six rings, one blue, one fire opal, one diamond, one red and orange, and the other ones were gold. "I want you to have them, you grow wings when they're on" Amber exclaimed. The six put on their rings and they grew white wings. "Amber this is amazing!" they said, suddenly wings appeared on Ambers back. "That's not all, they work so say up and there you go" Amber exclaimed. "Up" everyone said in unison then all of them shot up. Ding! the curfew bell rang. "They ring it at my bedtime for me, time to go home" she said. "So you will be in my room and I have a giant bed for all of us" Amber said, when they arrived at the castle they went straight up to Amber's room, then she gave them PJs. "Night" they said and fell asleep.

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