Chapter Twenty

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I was running recklessly through the Lothlorien forest, sloppily leaping over roots and getting my sleeves caught on the occasional branch. It seemed like I was never going in the right direction, 'Anoron was this way- no he was this way!' Even my brain didn't seem to agree with itself.

Most of my weapons had been taken from me when I was initially put in the healingroom, and now I only had a small knife I had gotten off of Legolas. What? That's not weird at all.

"Anoron! ANORON!" I was coming to the end of my patience. Not only was I frustrated, and infuriated, that he had been lying to me this entire time, but my leg and shoulder were killing me. I knew we had to leave Lothlorien soon, otherwise Saruman's armies might attack Edoras without warning, Minas Tirith wouldn't be prepared for the Battle of Pelennor Fields.... My mind was racing so rapidly that I didn't even notice I had bumped into something. I looked up quickly and noticed Anoron, who put his arms out to hug me. I slapped him across the face.

"YOU LIED TO ME. YOU SAID YOU WERE FROM VALINOR YOU LITTLE-" He stuck his hand over my mouth and shook his head.

"Shut up you idiot," he whispered, "There are spies everywhere." He nodded to a tree and I discreetly looked up, realizing there were two elf guards standing nimbly within its upper branches.

"I've lived in Middle Earth for years now, but I was a teenager in the Earthean Realms until a few years ago. Do you think I left nothing behind? I told you I was from Valinor because one: I didn't really know you, and two: I tried for years to get over the thought of going back. Now that the portal is working again, I want to find a way to return." I stared at him, open mouthed.

"That's the longest thing I've ever heard you say at once." He laughed.

We had been walking for a few minutes when my leg started to hurt again. I tried to ignore it and get Anoron caught up on Earthean Realm news.

"The Desolation of Smaug came out," I told him, "Legolas is in it. And this elf chick Tauriel, who likes Legolas and Kili." He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Well, you know PJ and his love triangles."

"And Lee Pace is Thranduil!"

"Well someone's excited about that..." He motioned to me, jumping up and down.

"He's really pretty, okay?"

"And the third season of Sherlock came out," I squealed, "I CANT EVEN. NOPE. AND BENNY IS SMAUG."

"NO SPOILERS." He covered his ears and started singing badly.

"Uhm...." I tried to think of things to say, "Crazy stuff happened in almost all the fandoms I can think of."

"Anything about BBC Merlin?" He pleaded.

"Cancelled," I choked out, dramatically wiping away a nonexistent tear. He looked up at the sun through a break in the trees.

"Ohhhh crap."

"What?" I asked worriedly. He pointed to the sun, which was now falling below the tree line.

"It's got be be at least 4 in the afternoon..."

"WHAT!" I whipped around and started running for the main part of Caras Galadhon, "The Fellowship was setting off at 3!"

He chased me as I crazily sped back to where the Fellowship had been, and arrived just in time to see them filing out to a dock where four boats were tied. I called to them, but they didn't hear me, so I kept running after them. I finally caught up enough, and Anoron and I broke into the clearing.

"Do you mind?" Gimli asked, huffing at our heavy breathing and my sudden weariness. Legolas tried masking over a hurt look, to no avail. Galadriel and Celeborn were there, and they waved away the guards, including Anoron.

"Come now," Galadriel cooed quietly. I stepped into a the line the Fellowship was forming between Boromir and Legolas. But the elf Prince stepped away and found another spot in line when I came near him.

"Enemies are on your tail, move quickly," Celeborn said sternly to us, "I am sending Losseiriel with you, an elven princess newly adopted by Lothlorien. May she guide you in places where your heart's vision is obscured." He bowed and we did the same to him in return. I saw Losseiriel (that's her friend Tierra from the Earthean Realms btw) step into the clearing in a flowy white dress, much alike Galadriel's, and a silver circlet upon her brow. Long, golden hair spilled over her shoulders, and it sparkled in the sun. This was only strange because she had looked quite different in the Earthean Realms, a little on the short side with shortish brown hair to match.

"Mae govannen [well met], Rhoevien," she said as she stepped into the line next to me and squeezed my hand. She handed me my weapons, which had been taken in the healingroom, and I quickly strapped them on. Celeborn approached each of us with a grayish green cloak in hand, fastening it around us with a leaf pin.

"For you, Meriadoc and Peregrin, these elvish daggers. They have already seen service in battle." Galadriel handed a dagger to Merry, and Celeborn one to Pippin, they were just the perfect size to be used as hobbit swords.

"Samwise Gamgee, we give you real elven rope, made here in Lothlorien." She handed him a coil of silver rope, and sure enough, a tag on the end said 'Made in Lothlorien'. He asked if she had any more daggers, but she simply smiled and moved on.

This was following too closely to the movies, something must be wrong.

"Boromir, son of Denethor, man of Gondor, on behalf of Lothlorien I present to you this belt," she handed him a belt of woven gold, "We hope it as a peace offering." Had I missed something when I was out cold? He took it and bowed gratefully.

"Rhoevien of... ah," she turned to Celeborn and shot him a glance that mean 'help!', "Valinor... The elves of my kingdom grant you with this gift," she handed me a ring of braided steel, it was beautiful, "Find were your heart truly lies." I was about to ask her what she meant, but she stepped away from me and faced Gimli.

"And what would a dwarf ask of the elves?" said Galadriel, she was borderline making fun of him.

"Ah, there is one thing...." She leaned over and allowed him to whisper something in her ear, then stood up and smiled at him. Celeborn gave a harsh eye-squint-of-disapproval that I'm sure only elves are capable of.

"Frodo, Frodo Baggins..." She took the halfling's hands in her own, "You carry a great burden with you, do not let it heavy your heart. A true adventurer knows that when dark seems most final and impenetrable, light is surely not far away. And for those dark times I present you with this, the light of Earendil, our most beloved star. May it be a light for you when all other lights go out." She handed him a glowing vial and he tucked it in his jacket pocket. "Remember, even a dying tree may hold a songbird's nest." He nodded, not fully understanding what she meant by that. If she meant he was dying and there were birds in his hair, I was going to need to have a talk with her.

"Mathilmen," Celeborn called, and quickly the Falconress was perched on my cloaked shoulder. Galadriel nodded to us and led the Fellowship to the boats tied to a dock made of roots.

I got into a boat with Merry and Pippin, my hobbits, while Boromir was in a boat with Frodo and some food. Sam and Gimli had their own boat, which I found quite dangerous as both had barely any sense of balance and had never been in a boat before, plus neither could swim. Legolas and Losseiriel had a boat to themselves as well, and I caught them making googley eyes at each other, which was putting me slightly on edge.

After one final wave to Celeborn and Galadriel, we untied the boats and paddled down the Anduin. Losseiriel almost fell out of the boat, and Legolas decided to keep his arms around her at all times afterward for "safety precautions".


Ayyyy! Any thoughts on Losseiriel? Should I put up a little character description of her at the beginning of the next chapter or just let you watch her character develop? Sorry I haven't really updated in a while >_<

Also... 1.1K READS WHAT IS THIS OMG TYSM You have NO IDEA how much you guys (my readers) mean to me. I love you all btw =^,^= <- That can be a cat

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