Chapter 2

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My head throbbed with a pounding headache, and my eyes stung with ridiculous pain. Hangovers were never enjoyable, yet I couldn't seem to resist the allure of drinking despite the consequences.

As the sun's harsh rays pierced through my window, I groggily checked the time—it was 11:00 am. The realization that I had slept that long only made the headache worse.

Feeling restless, I turned around in bed and spotted a glass of water and an aspirin thoughtfully placed on my nightstand. Aubrey must have been the one to put them there. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her predictable yet caring gesture, even though part of me appreciated it.

Regardless of my annoyance, I knew that water and aspirin were just what I needed to alleviate the throbbing pain. Swallowing my pride, I reached for the glass of water and the pill and downed them with a reluctant sense of gratitude.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen. To my surprise, pancakes lay on the counter while Aubrey stirred some food. It seemed like she was preparing lunch.

Her black hair was tied in a neat ponytail that reached midback. I hadn't realised her hair was this long. She wore a simple dress that reached above her knees and an apron tied over it.

She still hadn't noticed my presence. I cleared my throat, causing her to yelp. Her hand grabbed unto the pot, and she got burnt.

"Oww!" She yelped as she turned to me. I realised she had a bandage on her forehead. Is she accident prone or something?

"Don't just stand there like the idiot you are. Put your hand under some running water!" I shouted.

She turned away and did as I instructed.

She winced, trying to hide the pain, but I could see the discomfort in her eyes.

I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for startling her, and I knew I needed to be more careful with my approach. "I'm sorry for surprising you like that," I said sincerely, hoping to ease her nerves.

Her eyes widened at my words.

"Remember what I said yesterday, Aubrey. I don't want anything from you. I'm not gonna eat your food," I dismissed any thoughts of a friendship.

"I-I thought I should at least cook for you, Haden. After all, we are living together. We should at least try to get along."

"I don't want anything from you."

Her head hung low as she turned off the stove. The lunch she was making had already burnt. I felt some kind of way towards her. Pity, maybe? She untied her apron and went upstairs.

I finished eating the pancakes because I was hungry as hell. It's not like I had to tell her I ate it, I had too much pride for that. Besides this is my house and I can do whatever I want. As much as I hate to admit it, the food was delicious.

No sooner than I finished eating, I heard the doorbell ring.

I'm not in the mood for guests. I just wanted to bury myself under my covers and sleep until whenever.

Opening the door, I was greeted by my mother and father's jolly faces staring at me.

"I have good news for you, Haden," my mother cheered.

She pushed past me and strode inside as my dad followed her. Whenever your mom says it's good news, it has to be bad for you.

We sat in the living room as I waited for her to speak.

My mom paused and looked around the house, "Where is Aubrey?"

"She's upstairs, I'll go call her."

I went upstairs and knocked on her door. A few seconds later, she opened the door. Her eyes were red, which indicated that she was crying.

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