Chapter 5

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Heyyyy, this is unedited but I decided to try and give you guys something quickly, comment on any errors and let me know where you want me to take this story.

Breakfast was a very awkward experience, one which I never want to repeat again. The quietness was overwhelming and both Mum and Trinity sent shifty glances to each other. It was glaringly obvious that they were hiding something from me, I just wasn't sure what.
As soon as I finished, Mum leapt out of her seat and picked up our plates. She then hurried over to put them in the sink before walking back over to us with a tense smile.

"So" she paused and glanced at my sister, "shopping?"

"Sure!" Trinity spoke with (fake) excitement. Her wide smile not meeting her eyes. I hid my look of skepticism.


"You can borrow some of my clothes, I have some that are too small for me. They should fit," Trinity ushered me into her room.

"We need to get you some new clothes," Mum tutted as she looked at the outfit I had borrowed from my sister. It was a green dress which was too big and the sleeves continued past my hands like an oversized jumper.

Our mother decided to take us to the nearest (muggle) shopping centre. On the way there I was curious about how it would look in an older time period. We drove there in my mum's red car. When we stepped in, I froze.
I knew it wasn't 2018 or anything but everything looked ancient. I glared at the outfits that I was supposedly going to be wearing. "Stupid female clothing," I muttered angrily while stroking a random lace skirt that would've reached past my knees.

Mum turned her head away from the "gorgeous" dress she was admiring and gave me a scornful look, "What was that dear?"

Turns out being in a completely different dimension AND time period isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Walking through the shops with my biological family was disconcerting. I kept waiting to see some of the things I usually would associate with going to the shops to appear, but they were all missing.

Everywhere was similar but different.

But I don't think I need to rant any further about it. The entire shopping trip consisted of my mother suggesting different outfits that brought up feelings of disgust. There were only a couple of outfits that I felt like I could handle wearing. One in particular which was my favourite flowed like a gorgeous dark blue waterfall.

After buying the things that I needed, Mum took us to the local library and got me a library card to borrow some books. As the lady handed me the card, I felt my eyes light up in excitement. It was the beginning of the perfect Ravenclaw student.

How is everyone?

These are horrible times and I am lucky to live in a place without too many infections. My heart goes out to those majorly affected by this virus. I decided to cut this short and give you guys something because I've been such a terrible writer recently. I'm going to try and write more so hopefully I can get out more chapters to you guys soon 🤞

 I'm going to try and write more so hopefully I can get out more chapters to you guys soon 🤞

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