Rule One: Always Eat Breakfast

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There are few things in life that are more important than a good breakfast. 

It's a rule I have lived by during all of my nineteen, soon to be twenty, years of life. When I was little, my mom would never let me leave the house without eating breakfast, it became an integral part of my life. Wake up, get ready for the day, eat breakfast, then happily go about my business. 

As such, here I sit, eating my breakfast as I listen to the news and read some articles for one of my English courses. My second year of college and I had finally decided on a major. Now the only struggle was making sure I stuck with the research and writing long enough to pursue a career. 

I was working on my final essay for the class, a cumulative research paper on a certain myth that I had been assigned to study. I got Arthurian legend, which I was thankful for because there was quite a lot there. My research had narrowed down to focus on Merlin, the advisor, who had many different histories. 

Eventually, this led to me doing an analysis on how the social norms of each time period that Merlin was portrayed in affected his character and how the authors molded the advisor. 

By now though, the paper was almost done and I had just about enough of the old wizard. For all I cared, he could disappear off of the face of the Earth. 

"Hey Gwen, good morning." My roommate greeted as she poured herself a cup of coffee. 

My eyes flitted up to her and I smiled happily. "Good morning, Morgan. Did I make the coffee right?" I asked her worriedly. 

"It's wonderful. You do know you don't have to make me my coffee right? You don't even drink it, you prefer tea." Morgan asked as she stared at me in confusion. 

The pair of us have been roommates for some time now, we fell into a comfortable rhythm. The one thing though that she never seems to understand is why I make her coffee in the morning if I myself don't drink it as well. Truth be told, it isn't something I understand either, I just make her coffee when I make my tea and move on with my life. 

Shrugging, I continue typing out the last bits of my paper, hopefully finally finishing off the rough draft. 

When I say rough draft, I mean very rough draft. 

"I know, it's a habit." I tell her truthfully, closing my laptop. 

Today I would be going to a friend's place. She agreed to read over and edit my work if I would do the same for her. I had learned my lesson some time ago to never ask Morgan to edit my papers. She was absolutely terrible at the task.

Washing my dish I gathered my stuff together, shoving it into the little bag I had gotten for traveling purposes. "You going to get that edited?" 

"Yup, what are you doing today?" I asked as I moved around the kitchen. 

Morgan shrugged. "I don't know, maybe resurrect a few people, end the world, plan your demise." She joked with an easy smile. 

Morgan loved making dark jokes, it's a quality I learned to appreciate after the first few months of being her roommate. "Hey now, I don't think I quite deserve to have my demise planned. What have I ever done to you?" 

"Maybe you did something to me in a past life." Morgan pointed out as she sipped her coffee.

I thought about it for a moment then shrugged. "Fair enough, see you later tonight." 

With that I left the apartment. 

When I got outside, I found a blast of cold air meeting me. It was early December, classes were about to end. With the stress of finals and the excitement for a break also came the frigid chill of winter. Snow from yesterday laid on the ground, most of it trampled on by the rush of students, kids, and business people alike. 

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