Gold Star for Trying

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### #QueensContest ###

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"Where shall we go today?"

Shall we go far,

Into another dimension,

Further than outer space?"

Insane, that's what they called her. Always living in her head, she thrived off of her mistakes.

Off of her unfortunate existence, or so they called it.

Because, simply put, it was.

"I've lost my way,

Though time does fray-

I've lost my place

In this worldly haze."

I first met her when I was younger.

She was beautiful, she was.

"I've lost my days,

My right to stay,

My right to play-

In this ghostly space."

Her beauty existed in her mind.

Everyone who knew me called me strange for observing that.

"I've gone too far

Could you drag me back?

I've lost myself-

Could you find my heart?

I've lost myself..."

Whenever we talked, she would listen.

If I was lucky, after our meetings I would catch her singing to herself.

"In all meanings of the phrase,

I've lost my place

As a little girl."

I never once asked what it was that she sang.

Truth be told, I never wanted to know.

"Don't you want to fly?

I'd rather we didn't try.

Don't you want to be free?

I'd rather you stayed here with me."

Sometimes, though, I wondered why she didn't ask anyone to sing the duet with her.

Then again, you know what they say.

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