silent scream

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It was still late at night and everyone had finished planning for the battle in the morning.

Sana, Grant, Scarlett, Uma and Harry were all hanging out together when Gil comes running in.

"What is it Gil?" Uma asked, annoyed at him barging in.

"Sana huff Grant huff Scar huff your parents are looking for you" Gil passes on the message to the three, whose faces dropped in seconds.

The three looked at each other before standing up and leaving the ship. Walking through alleys, turning corners before finally reaching their homes.


"Mother" Grant says as he enters his 'house'. His mother who turns and faces him.

"Grant, I said I wanted golden flowers not white ones!" Gothel shouted as she chucked the flowers at him.

"Im sorry Mother, I could only find white ones by the cliffs edge"

"Well that isn't good enough! Do this again and I'll lock you in the tower!"


Scarlett entered her home and saw a lion with a long black Maine and a scar going down one of his eyes crawling across the room.

"Hello Father" She said. The lion walked into a room and soon a tall man, with long black hair, dark grey eyes and a long scar on his eye walked out.

"Scarlett, I see you still wear that ring" Scar referenced the girls lion ring with tiny red jewels as the eyes.

Scarlett nodded.

"Get rid of it" He hissed.

"But father it keeps me from-" Scarlett's words were cut off.

"I SAID GET RID OF IT! Your stupid uncle thought giving that to 'help' you would make everything better" Scar growled.


Then with Sana, she took a deep gulp before walking into her house.


Sana fell to the ground in a flash, a sting went through her body as her left cheek turned red.

"What have I said about getting attached" Shan Yu looked down at his daughter with dead eyes.

Sana spat on the floor, not answering her dad.

"I said....what did I say about getting attached to people!" He picked up his daughter by the neck like how a mother cat would to her kittens but in a rough way.

"T-that getting attached will only weaken you" Sana stuttered. There was definitely going to be a bruise on her neck.

Shan Yu let go of her daughter and she dropped to the ground in an instant.

"Katana...I will not have a weakling as a daughter" He used the name he made for her.

Why katana? Cause it was a deadly weapon and thats what he trained her to be, a deadly weapon. But ever since meeting the VK's and the Pirate crew, she hasn't been one as much.

"You disappoint me. When tomorrow ends, you return to me and you will never be seeing any of those runts again. I should have never let you roam" Shan Yu spat before turning his back to his daughter.

"Get out of my sight" He says and Sana gets up and leaves.


The three kids all walked through different parts of the isle.


I'm caught up in your expectations
You're trying to make me live your dream
But I'm causing you so much frustration
And you only want the worse for me

[ SANA ]
You wanted me to show more interests
To always keep a big evil smile
Be that perfect little weapon you wanted
But I'm not that type of child

And this storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our whole worlds collide?
It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside

[ ALL ]
Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

The three kids ran through the alleys and jumped from roof to roof as tears threatened to fall from their eyes.

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream

[ SANA ]
Tell me why you're putting pressure on me
And everyday you cause me harm
That's the reason why I feel so lonely
Even though he holds me in his arms

Sana stops by the docks and looks at Harry who stands at the top of the deck, looking over everyone.

Wanna put me in your stupid tower
But I'm just trying to get right out
And now you're feeling so so bitter
Because I let you down

Grant walks through the market area, picking up an apple biting before chucking it at a spray paint of his mother's quote. "Mother knows best"

And this storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our whole worlds collide?
It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside

Scarlett held her chest tightly before looking down at her hand with the lion ring. Her fathers words rung through her ears and she gave a silent scream before sprinting down the alley.

[ ALL ]
Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream

[ SANA ]
Can't you see how I cry for help
Cause you should love me just for being myself

Sana sat on the rooftop, clutching her head and letting tears drop from her eyes.

I'll drown in an ocean
Of pain and emotion

Scarlett climbed up a tower and looked down at everyone, also spotting Sana who looked up from the ground and looked at Scarlett.

If you don't save me right away

Grant was soon seen as well on the roof and the three of them all ran on the roof's screaming out loud before continuing to sing.

[ ALL ]
Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away
And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The Silent Scream
Our Silent Scream

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