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Still at Disneyland

John: What you're crazy !! Well you know what I mean not like......

Aj: John I get what you mean but it's true ever since he want to Canada to help Jake with the movie him and Nicole were together all the time ! When jake would be off doing something else Phil would be with Nicole helping her buy baby stuff going over lines and just talking and hanging out ! When he came back he seemed different and just waited for the days where he could go back to see her ! That day when she told him Jake had died he left without even telling me he was going ! I found out when he called me I asked what he was going there he said he had plans with Nicole so he just flew out to see her !

John: I'm sure there's more to why Phil wants to separate ! Have you suggested you take couples therapy ?

Aj: No

John: Maybe you should !

Aj: Maybe !

They look up to find Nikki and Phil laughing !

Nikki: I wish they would hurry up I have this huge craving for sour cream and onion chips !

Phil: Oh don't worry I'll get them for you !

Nikki: Are you sure I don't want to be burden on you !

Phil: It's fine wait here !

Nikki: Okay and don't worry I won't move haha !

After a few minutes he comes back with a bag of chips and a few more things !

Nikki: What else did you buy ?

Phil: Ice creams because trust me you will want to eat theses chips with this ice cream !

Nikki: Seems kind of gross but I'll try it I mean the other day I ate some other stuff that I would never in a million years eat !

Phil: Try !!

She takes the chips and the ice cream and starts to eat it and is amazed !

Nikki: Omg I love you !!

Phil: Haha I knew it !!

Nikki: This is so good !!

Phil: I know right !

Nikki: How is this so amazing ?

Phil: I don't know !

Nikki: So is this what you do on your free time ? Mix random foods together !

Phil: Haha no my mom when she was pregnant would eat this all the time and me being a young kid I would eat anything so I ate it with her and now with all my pregnant ladies friends I offer them this and they love it !!

Nikki: Right cause all your pregnant guy friends don't like it !

They looked at each other and he soon realized what he had said and how she took it so they bursted out laughing !

Phil: You're a tricky one !

Nikki: You said it haha !

Phil: So how you feeling these days ?

Nikki: Scared I don't know how painful this will be and also I don't know if I will be a good mother I mean I guess that's every woman's fear right ?

Phil: Yeah but trust me you're going to be a great mother ! I mean you're loving and caring and your so sweet ! Your practically sugar ! I would be a lucky man if you were the mother of my baby !

Nikki: Aww that's so sweet ! Thank you !

Phil: John is one lucky man and I mean it !

Nikki smiles at him and hugs him the continues to eat her chips and ice cream ! She then turns to him and starts to feed him that triggers anger and jealousy in both John and Aj !

After a few hours more !!

John and Aj take the girls on more rides and Nikki and Phil continue talking !

Nikki: I'm so tired !

Phil: Do you want to sit ?

Nikki: Actually can you come with me to go rent a wheel chair while thier on this ride ?

Phil: Yeah come on !!

Nikki txts John where her and Phil we're going ! They go to get the wheel chair and while their there they see these cute little Mickey outfits and Nikki can't help but fond over them !

Nikki: Aww their so cute !!!

Phil: They are !

Nikki: Ugh I wish John was here he has our money ! This would so be cute for my little boys especially since their due in October !

Phil: Here I'll get them !

Nikki: No I'll just come back with John later !

Phil: No I insist !

Nikki: Phil !

Phil: Nope to late I'm buying them !!

He said as he ran to pay for them when he came back they were already in a bag and she handed it to her !

Phil: Oh I bought Ashley something too ! You know so she wouldn't feel left out !!

Nikki: You're sweet !

Phil: Nikki can I admit something to you !

Nikki: Of course what is it ?

Phil: Well.................

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